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World swimming bans transgender women from competing

Agreed. People need to stop with the tummy tucks, the butt lifts, the botox, the boob jobs, the scar remediations, the wrinkle reductions, the hair plugs. You know, all of those gender-reaffirming surgeries that folks pursue? Heck, you could add tattoos and medication for erectile dysfunction in there. 100% agree that they should all just love the body they were born with and never change it. Not even if doing so might make you feel more comfortable in your own body, right?

You don't want one? Don't get one. Let others do as they and their doctor decide.

That reminds me...Every time a female model or athlete with tattoos posts her pic on Instagram, the usual incels and groypers will chime in, telling her it's such a shame she "ruined" her body. But when you click on those guys' profiles, more than half of them have ink.
So much of the surgery is done due to societal pressures. To alter one’s body because of outside influences is simply wrong. And it risks complications like botched surgeries, numbness, lack of feeling, and actually completely losing various parts of their bodies. They simply die and rot and fall off.

I’m not totally against plastic surgery. For some people it’s a good thing. But for so many others it’s not. Having spent my career in medicine, if seen the bad side all too often. Massive, tissue damaging infections, total numbness of one’s genitals, loss of one’s aereola and nipple in the case of breast work. It’s not pretty and no one really hears about it unless you’re connected to the industry.

There’s so much more involved here than just appearances.

FYI, my second wife had a breast reduction. They were massive and weighing heavily on her. But we made sure to get a top notch surgeon and we understood all the risks for all the different types of procedures. It turned out good for her and she kept her nipples and they weren’t numb to touch or feeling. But she also went through months of pain and suffering.

I’ve also seen cases where a woman doesn’t think her breasts are big enough (they’re just fine) and legitimate surgeons have turned them down and the woman found someone else to do the surgery. In many cases the results have been horrific.

I still think people rush to have surgery and that they would have been much better off doing nothing. Doctors aren’t god. And they can’t do everything perfectly.
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That is an opinion ST however I think if happeness comes from such then chase happy. If they feel happy to meet societal pressures then I am 100% on board with anyone's choice to do whatever as long as it does not harm another person.

On a moto tangent I am sure 99% of society would say road racing is dangerously stupid and can leave you with life altering changes that are negative or worse kill ya.

It made me happy so I did it. Super happy actually. :teeth

I still think people rush to have surgery and that they would have been much better off doing nothing. Doctors aren’t god. And they can’t do everything perfectly.
Your painting with an awfully broad brush there.
@ST Guy

We have no idea if some's surgery is "good" for them or not. Who are we to draw the line on good and bad? How can we know all of their circumstances? If you are outside of that person's circle, we can't know and shouldn't judge. It's super easy to see someone's poor outcome and think it was a bad decision. But hindsight, and don't forget about the millions of people that have successful surgeries. So... as with many of these things and as others have already said, it's better for everyone if we STFU and mind our own business.

I've recently had to check myself on this. A friend's new gf just got breast implants and has had complications. The complications have soured my opinion of implants even more. But this situation has reminded me that my opinion on the matter doesn't mean shit. I dont know her. I'm not close friends with her. My opinion is invalid and even without that, she can live her life however she wants.
@ST Guy

We have no idea if some's surgery is "good" for them or not. Who are we to draw the line on good and bad? How can we know all of their circumstances? If you are outside of that person's circle, we can't know and shouldn't judge. It's super easy to see someone's poor outcome and think it was a bad decision. But hindsight, and don't forget about the millions of people that have successful surgeries. So... as with many of these things and as others have already said, it's better for everyone if we STFU and mind our own business.

I've recently had to check myself on this. A friend's new gf just got breast implants and has had complications. The complications have soured my opinion of implants even more. But this situation has reminded me that my opinion on the matter doesn't mean shit. I dont know her. I'm not close friends with her. My opinion is invalid and even without that, she can live her life however she wants.
I got really shitty to a girlfriend once over a tattoo she got and I didn't like. I got called out for it for exactly the reasons you listed. I still feel like an ass for it. Sometimes growth hurts.
If a person has any cosmetic surgery, then I’m OK with it. But I hope that they have researched the subject very carefully and fully understand the risks. Too often they gloss over the risks.

Coming from the medical industry, I understand the risks better than many of those getting the surgery.
Not sure if you are referencing the below, if so...for those that don't know the tale...
Kurt Vonnegut covered this long ago in a short story.

Harrison Bergeron

The Handicapper General, just when we need him. Those of you who have not, must read.
Probably two things can be true at the same time, pete davidson's tattoos are jr high math binder levels of shit, and it's also rude to make him feel bad for it.
Yes. Sometimes HOW you say a thing is WAY more important than what you are saying. Truthiness doesn’t have to be painfully said.
Say . . . . how about penalty weights?

If a transgender, originally male, wants to compete in women's athletics, then give (him/her/they?) a two kilo bag of lead shot, or more, to strap to his torso. Swim meets might garner advertising support then. Ergo, track and field also.

Works on the race track when a factory has figured out an unfair advantage. Why not?

I like weight penalties. I'd watch this....and the accouncers could make a big thing of where the weight was placed. Maybe by cosmetic surgery in the paddock.

"XX, XY, Unlimited" is a terrible idea. Even before HRT, people dont fit nicely into those categories. Adding more incentive to steroid use is laughably bad and a great way to kill people. Also, allowing any extreme competition beyond "natural" human ability will call into question the results in the XY category in the same way that transwomen do for ciswomen sports. Every XY competitor that performs really well - many will do better than the worst in Unlimited - will instantly be accused of cheating. Ooooo, maybe we should have this so that men are more likely to experience what women may go through with today's bullshit.

Are you kidding me? I don't know one (1) who wouldn't eat this up! I'd be all over it...especially on the betting lines. It would make things a combo of Person + machine. Terminators. I want to see just how much performance we can get out of someone with the right cocktail mix or bionic limb(s).

I also watched the para olympics swimming thanks to my controller saying it was unfair cause one guy had arms and was able to reach the wall before 2nd place who had to headbut the wall to win. I watched....and was amazed. I'm watching para olympics from now on. Way more exciting (for reals).

Who are we to draw the line on good and bad?

Sepsis. When they get fever and sepsis, things went bad.

I got really shitty to a girlfriend once over a tattoo she got and I didn't like. I got called out for it for exactly the reasons you listed. I still feel like an ass for it. Sometimes growth hurts.

What was the name on the tattoo?
I like weight penalties. I'd watch this....and the accouncers could make a big thing of where the weight was placed. Maybe by cosmetic surgery in the paddock.

Are you kidding me? I don't know one (1) who wouldn't eat this up! I'd be all over it...especially on the betting lines. It would make things a combo of Person + machine. Terminators. I want to see just how much performance we can get out of someone with the right cocktail mix or bionic limb(s).

I also watched the para olympics swimming thanks to my controller saying it was unfair cause one guy had arms and was able to reach the wall before 2nd place who had to headbut the wall to win. I watched....and was amazed. I'm watching para olympics from now on. Way more exciting (for reals).

Sepsis. When they get fever and sepsis, things went bad.

What was the name on the tattoo?
This thread has nothing to do with whether or not you’d be entertained.