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4 wheel carnage at STP

The Google and Apple $$$ around here provides some interesting news...
I don't see any motos in those pics. :confused
Meh, I see absolutely no difference between Lambo guy and the rest of you pretending to be Rossi on a Saturday morning. Only difference is his ride costs more then yours. The hate on this site is amazing sometimes. This thread would be filled with well wishes if it were a moto crash.

Don't get mad because you own a GS. :laughing
A lotta haters in here because of the $ lol.

I'll hate on people for being reckless and making poor decisions. However, I will not hate on someone for making or having more money than me though. In fact, some of the nicest people I've ever spoken to are very wealthy and very educated. They worked their ass off to get where they were.

My .02
i'll bet he has a vid...but will never post it:laughing
Can't waitb for GoFast908z (Jeff's) 48 hour extensive correction on lime green Lambo thread :teeth
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Ahhhh, schadenfreude.
I've driven that same make and model car around a track, except my buddy's car had twin turbos and a crap load more horsepower. I don't know how you lose control of that car! The TC doesn't let the rear step out more than a few inches before pulling power out.
If I had a car there, I would have asked for that wheel/control arm combo for a souvenier.
Incidents like this don't sit well with our underlying protestant, puritan sensibilities, which tell us that people work themselves from poor to rich, and from crap driver/rider to accomplished driver/rider, and that their vehicle selection grows with them.

This is why no one blinks when a 22 year old wraps a civic around a tree, and why we can't help but crack a smile when we watch a 60 year old really flogging his Porsche down a back road.

22 year old with a Lambo he can't drive does not compute, therefore, mockery.
I've driven that same make and model car around a track, except my buddy's car had twin turbos and a crap load more horsepower. I don't know how you lose control of that car! The TC doesn't let the rear step out more than a few inches before pulling power out.

Were there any rocks to hit, on that track? That rim didn't flatten it's self, and those swing arms didn't get broken/ripped off the car, doing track conditions.