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A BARFer in Japan

Thanks for the kind words everyone! I got some more photos here. They are a bit more random and not quite as good as the initial ones... they're what I took over the last two days vs. being the best few from a week.

More headless crickets - why not

My host adviser bought me a pair of slippers so I wouldn't have to walk around barefoot in the lab. These are a 3XL, and the biggest ones he could find.

Scientists in Japan have random shit in the labs just like we do in the US.

Dissection and electrophysiology station

The plastic food displays are ubiquitous, although they are not that appetizing

Awesome fish-shaped stuffed pancake things

Found a motorcycle shop while walking home the other day. Man, the XJR1300 is an awesome bike!

Parking stalls work a bit differently here!

Street-side tire change. I wish I had my zoom for this one... and the guy wasn't in the background... and the door was close. Oh well.

Pizza hut menu. A large Camembert Deluxe pizza is 3600 yen ($45). I hope I don't get to the point where I want pizza so bad that I'm willing to pay $40 for Pizza Hut!

Part of the reason why a pizza is $40... most small apartments don't have ovens, and only have these little stoves that have a small place to cook some fish.

This is all most people lock their bikes with. Many are made with plastic, and only the slider is metal. I could probably pop one open with a butter knife. Must be nice!

spicoli - Cigarettes are about $5 a pack and you can buy them from vending machines on the street. You can smoke pretty much anywhere too.

Exploring the man strip of bars the other night. Nearly every street leading from the main drag looks like this

I can't help but think that something was lost in translation here

All the bars are inside tall office type buildings. On the outside there are signs saying what bars/clubs are on what floor. Brooklyn seems interesting

This was the warning signage for a road crew that was out. It was bright and flashy enough to give a drive a seizure. You sure won't miss it, though. It's a bit blurry since I had to run out into the street and hand-hold a longish exposure (and I had a couple beers in me). You get the idea, though.
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Japan is awesome. I love the fact that women there wear high heels everywhere. Even when hiking steep rough trails.

Seriously... I was in this park that had lava rocks all over the place and I saw a couple women in 3" heels. Crazy.


You totally make me want to get a macro lens.

Do it! Here's a gallery of my lightbox macro work: http://www.nicholasdirienzo.com/Ani...72109_jtNw98#!i=1730283132&k=Mj2sg68&lb=1&s=A

don't know why you got rid of the cricket head picture. that was the best one.

I didn't! Here it is again in case you can't see it for whatever reason

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Have you gotten a chance to visit Ueno yet? You can take the Yamanote line to the Ueno station, and 'Motorcycle City' is just around the corner.
Those are National Geographic worthy pics :thumbup

So true. Amazingly good pics.

OP, if you ever take pics of anything, please make a thread and post them up. Everything you've made so far has been gold. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup
Pizza hut menu. A large Camembert Deluxe pizza is 3600 yen ($45). I hope I don't get to the point where I want pizza so bad that I'm willing to pay $40 for Pizza Hut!

I hope you did better than Mary and I... We never found a name brand pizza in
Japan that didn't smell fishy...
Have you gotten a chance to visit Ueno yet? You can take the Yamanote line to the Ueno station, and 'Motorcycle City' is just around the corner.

Ueno is a sad shadow of its former self compared to the first time I went there 15 years ago. I went back in 2009 and it was pretty much gone. :(
Super awesome!! Post doc work?
Thanks! I'm a Ph.D. Candidate at UCD Should be done in about 2 years.

Have you gotten a chance to visit Ueno yet? You can take the Yamanote line to the Ueno station, and 'Motorcycle City' is just around the corner.

Unfortunately I'm a bit isolate to Hokkaido given my research project has me on a 8-5 M-F schedule.

So true. Amazingly good pics.

OP, if you ever take pics of anything, please make a thread and post them up. Everything you've made so far has been gold. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup

Thank you! That's very high praise! I'll post up another batch in a day or two. I prefer to post in large groups rather than a couple here and there.
Ueno is a sad shadow of its former self compared to the first time I went there 15 years ago. I went back in 2009 and it was pretty much gone. :(

Ueno isn't holding on as strong as it used to (I never saw it in its heyday) but there's still a few good shops there. I'd still recommend a visit.