A Request for baby pictures -- show off your li'l ones here!

Quite a few years ago, now she is 7.

At about 3..

At about 5 1/2... same bike!!

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Ok I'll participate. Meet Dominic (aka "Nico"), born 4/21/2014. He will never talk back to his parents, he will never steal dad's car or put any dents on it, he will never write on the walls, or break anything in the house. He will be my perfect little angel forever. Right? :angel

Yeaaahh....... :laughing
Ok I'll participate. Meet Dominic (aka "Nico"), born 4/21/2014. He will never talk back to his parents, he will never steal dad's car or put any dents on it, he will never write on the walls, or break anything in the house. He will be my perfect little angel forever. Right? :angel


and don't worry, you will not care when he does all that stuff :thumbup
I promised I slimmed down :laughing


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Lily at one month old in 2010.

Lily 3 1/2 with her sister Isabela 8 a couple weeks ago @ Downtown Disney.

My little 1 year old. She is my 1st.

I think BARF has the best looking children!!!!
The wee one when he was a little over 3 months old and now just a few weeks shy of his 3rd birthday... Lord help us; he is wearing 5T clothes - I'm going to invest in a second freezer :laughing


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  • L on Easter 2014.jpg
    L on Easter 2014.jpg
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Couldn't resist, his mom's gonna kill me for posting this. :laughing


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A few of lil' E. Just turned 6mos the other day.





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    2014-08-12 22.39.13.jpg
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Wow! Thanks so much for posting up these babies! Nothinglike a child to bring a little joy into the world.