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A Request for baby pictures -- show off your li'l ones here!

Wow. Awesome :applause :flag

It was a good Friday for me. I got to catch up with my Grandson and his awesome parents.

He is looking like a Yamaha kid to me. :teeth


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:laughing your grandson's expression is kind a funny, like "wait, I'm not ready for you to take my picture".
Moar babies!!! How can the world ever be bad when it is joined by someone brand new every day :love
My youngest is now 4 and he is nuts about cars... The truck is his new favorite; he says its loud and he likes when we go over low rises at a moderate pace (slightly unloading the suspension). When he's older - we will get some air in the beast, lol.


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Just back from a visit home. Here's a shot of my lil' beautiful hanging out at Hapuna :)



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Very precious.

Way to be Dads!
Crappy cell phone pics. But welcome our baby boy Lorenzo Newton Wilmington! :love Born Jan 2, 2016 at 9:41pm 7lbs 20in.



So awesome!!! Congrats to you and B!!! :Port

:welcome Lorenzo!
He's perfect Kim :love
Was the labor hard on Ben :laughing
He said there was 2 things that stuck with him the most. 1, was it was very difficult to watch me go through that much pain for so long. 2, was the moment Lorenzo was born.

Ben sat behind me as my back support as I sat on a birthing chair. My birth was unmedicated all natural and i labored mostly at home. When we finally went to the hospital i was 9cm and he was born an hour after getting to the hospital. :)
Onyx Doris Kobza has joined the human race officially as of 1/15/16.
She is my 3rd granddaughter and number 5 overall.

Doris is my Mom's name so that is cool.
Made my old man happy.


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Ya know I am going to throw this one in too because it is so precious and belongs in this thread. :teeth

Keaton is lighting up my sons world for sure. He is about 6 mos now.


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