Advice to those that organize Group Rides and or participants!


Thanks for the tips, I'm looking to get involved with some group rides, buuuut being a bit of a shy guy (Like that little mario creature thing! O:), I haven't really known where to look, and you adepts are intimidating sometimes. <.< Not that I think any of you are carnivores or anything! D: Here I go rambling on again...

I will say I randomly sat in on what appeared to be a meet on labor day over on foothill (I think? <.<) after spotting a gixxer I recognized on 580 on the way to cyclegear to replace my brake lever. @.@

Anywho, hope to see quite a few of you through the turns. ^__^
Appreciate this article, l have learn something here. Thank u.
Anyone know good trauma training for weekend riders

Reading the post about ride safety and what to do after an accident leads me to think we should have at least 2 of our riding group get some training. Anyone know where we can get some good trauma and cpr training, especially if they have a motorcycle emphasis?