AMA members check in - why you should join


General Menace
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
If you look under my avatar you will see my AMA number. I am proud to support the group that does more for our right to ride than any other. So many think the AMA is just about racing...pashaaaa!

They are our voice in Washington keeping all those who would deny is our rights at bay.

If your a member your doing just that. Watch for a special effort from barf to support the history museum next week.

EDIT ** Why it good to be a member
+1. Don't know my number though :).

What I do know is if you have Progressive insurance you get a discount equivalent to the AMA fee, so the cost to join is a big fat $0.
not yet, I'm just sorta putting it off for some reason :dunno bob!

Me too. Anyone who has a current card can pm me and I will add your number to your profile. :thumbup
So happy with my AMA membership :thumbup pm sent

PS- If any members are lacking those white window stickers I am on their short list for too many being sent. :laughing I think I have like 15 now.

Gimme!!!! Haha I need one for my new bike can I snag one off you tomorrow?! :teeth:teeth
Numbers added.. a few PM's needed..

AMA :flag for our right to :ride