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Happy 4th of July weekend!

That is absolutely terrifying.
Is there a realistic danger of a modern ship capsizing or sinking in conditions like those, or is it just a wild ride with the potential for injury and equipment damage?

Going bow to like this is a rough ride, lots of potential for damage, but would have to be insanely large seas to bring a ship down. Stern to is more of a hazard. Water can start washing over the decks. Free standing water on the deck is bad, real bad. But usually only impacts smaller ships, like fishing boats.

Now taking them to the beam, or sideways, that's bad shit. That's when you start making sure everything is water tight, make sure the engines keep running, hold on to What ever is rigidly bolted down (anything not bolted went flying a long time ago), and if you are religious, pray. Because yes, that can bring your ass down.

You just watch the older, saltier guys. If they are just acting cool while trying not to spill their coffee, then you'll be okay. When they are giving instructions, you do exactly what they say.

I was green on my first ship, the scarier ship, but the older guys were fucking smooth. Just sat in their EOW (Engineering Officer of the Watch) chair (former captains chair from the bridge that was stolen), braced a leg against the rail, and rode it on out. When I got to my second ship, I was that salty First Class in the EOW chair :D

That looks horrible. If someone is prone to getting seasick, do they eventually get over it with time on the boat? Does it just get worse when the sea gets angry? How does one aim for the can when it's that large?
That looks horrible. If someone is prone to getting seasick, do they eventually get over it with time on the boat? Does it just get worse when the sea gets angry? How does one aim for the can when it's that large?

If someone is prone to getting seasick, they should stay on land. :twofinger


I feel bad for America. Oh, wait...:(

That looks horrible. If someone is prone to getting seasick, do they eventually get over it with time on the boat? Does it just get worse when the sea gets angry? How does one aim for the can when it's that large?

The part of it that is mental gets better. The part that is physical doesn't.

And when shit got rough, I had a plastic bag in my pocket.