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At what age...


troll dad
Nov 4, 2011
San Mateo
BARF perks
AMA #: 2823066
is a good age to get a child into motos? I.e. able to learn to ride one (minibike)?

My son is 17 months old, so I'm obviously just thinking ahead here.

Posted from Bayarearidersforum.com App for Android
is a good age to get a child into motos? I.e. able to learn to ride one (minibike)?

My son is 17 months old, so I'm obviously just thinking ahead here.

Posted from Bayarearidersforum.com App for Android
He's ready, wut are you wait'in fer? :party
I remember Jam'in Jim Jepsen's son Derick wuz suck'in on a pacifier 'n ride'in a PW50 w/ training wheels; think he wuz like 2 maybe? :p
WeekEndWarrior said:
Wait till one decides if he or she wants to ride? :idk

Obviously, but I want to know what age is appropriate to give him the chance. he already loves motos in general. If I don't take him out to the garage at least once a day to sit on my Monster, he thinks I'm the worst thing since beats and corn (relatively.)

Posted from Bayarearidersforum.com App for Android
let him at it as soon as you think he can handle multi tasking the controls:thumbup...or sooner:teeth
I was 3 months when I first rode as a passenger, out on dirt roads.
I was five when I operated my first moto.
If I had a child, I would do everything I could to give them the same opportunities, if they choose to take them. I would let them bring it up first.
Mr Pepsi said:
I was 3 months when I first rode as a passenger, out on dirt roads.
I was five when I operated my first moto.
If I had a child, I would do everything I could to give them the same opportunities, if they choose to take them. I would let them bring it up first.

The wife and I have had that conversation over sports, musical instruments, and motorcycles, but I anticipate when it really comes down to it the support will primarily be from myself, and the worry from the wife

Posted from Bayarearidersforum.com App for Android
I remember in 06' at Stockton Motorplex there was a really young kid [about 3 or younger] that used to rail around the paddok on one of this things. Maybe a BARFER's kid
Anyway this is best option for first two wheels I think

Bought my son a 50cc a year ago. He's 7 almost 8 in a month. I was out at Carnegie last weekend and met this dad that had his boy that just turned 3 on an electric bike. :wtf


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I was 3 months when I first rode as a passenger, out on dirt roads.

You'd probably get arrested for child endangerment if you did that today. Last week we were talking about riding around in pickup truck beds, sitting on the wheel wells. Can't imagine what would happen if I let my kids do that now.

And, back to the original question: if they can ride a bike and you can find gear that fits go for it.
Start them off on a strider bike when there two. Practice with them on your own bicycle. Make it fun! Keep them interested. Play chase and dodge. Did I say make it fun!!? When there three they should be ready for a 50cc with training wheels. Find a large open area for them to learn and practice. Tie up a leash to the back of their bike and run along side them. Don't let go! Than when you think there ready take off the leash and again keep it fun. Play chase, matador, and dodge. This works! Kids are fearless. Last but not least, atgatt. :afm199

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You'd probably get arrested for child endangerment if you did that today. Last week we were talking about riding around in pickup truck beds, sitting on the wheel wells. Can't imagine what would happen if I let my kids do that now.

And, back to the original question: if they can ride a bike and you can find gear that fits go for it.

Lets just say this was a few years back.
I can't advise you about age. Friends of mine, with kids that ride, use the bike as a carrot tied to the kid's academic performance. Works wonders.
I have my 2 yo daughter on a balance bike right now. She is just to the point where she is trying to pick her feet up and coast for a few feet. She does the duck paddle so fast that I'm in between a power walk and slow jog when chasing her. I figure when she can coast the balance bike I'll move her up to something light and plastic with battery power. When she gets the hang of that then she gets a gas motor.

I'm not down with training wheels on a small bike. It turns it into a extra tippy, high COG, skinny quad(or actually more like an ATC...those thing that were decided to be too dangerous to manufacture any more). I'm sure others will disagree as this is teh barf.
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angelsndevils said:
I'm not down with training wheels on a small bike. It turns it into a extra tippy, high COG, skinny quad(or actually more like an ATC...those thing that were decided to be too dangerous to manufacture any more). I'm sure others will disagree as this is teh barf.

I agree with you though. I think they stunt the learning process, too. I'm a quick spatial learner, and my son picked it up from me, so your plan sounds about apt... I'll be biting off that now.. :p

Posted from Bayarearidersforum.com App for Android
I have my 2 yo daughter on a balance bike right now. She is just to the point where she is trying to pick her feet up and coast for a few feet. She does the duck paddle so fast that I'm in between a power walk and slow jog when chasing her. I figure when she can coast the balance bike I'll move her up to something light and plastic with battery power. When she gets the hang of that then she gets a gas motor.

I'm not down with training wheels on a small bike. It turns it into a extra tippy, high COG, skinny quad(or actually more like an ATC...those thing that were decided to be too dangerous to manufacture any more). I'm sure others will disagree as this is teh barf.

This is an excellent way to go as well.

I went straight for a gas operated bike because I didn't feel like spending money twice. Electric is very good, but I feel my boy will get his use out of his 50cc. The reason why I'm running training wheels is because they have proven themselves to be safe and my son cannot yet reach the ground with his feet.

Safety is paramount! There is no one right way. Do what works best to achieve the goal for the operator. I'm proud to say I'm envious of my son! I wish I learned at his age.:)
I, personally, feel that they should be able to ride a bicycle well before starting on motorcycles. That goes for adults too. :x

Both of my sons started riding at age 13.
As son as my boy can fit into a proper helmet and reach the pegs.... we'll be headed out to metcalf. (He's 3.5 yo)