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BARF Jam - Saturday 4/21/2012, 9 p.m., San Rafael


Write Only User
Staff member
Feb 20, 2003
Pleasanton, CA
Kaw N1K
It's time for another BARF Jam and this time we have a few firsts:

  • New location!
  • New start time!
  • Not in the dead of winter!
  • A BBQ!! (see the revision below in red for details)

If you play something, come out to jam with fellow BARFers. BARF has a lot of enthusiastic musicians and this is a great place to play some music and hang with other BARFers.

Going forward, we will try holding these jams in a few different places to see what works best for people and try to draw in participation from around the Bay. This time around, we will hold the jam in San Rafael.

#43 Bay St
San Rafael CA 94901


Happy Hornet made this connection for us and I thank her for finding out about the location. While this location is farther for some who previously attended at Supermike's, it's closer for others.

Parking is limited, but Happy Hornet has indicated she has some parking available to help. I plan to carpool with at least one other musician and would encourage others to do the same if practical.

The facility costs $15/hr to rent. I plan to cover the cost, but if anyone wants to chip in, I won't refuse. There is a PA available for rent. If anyone wants to sing, or otherwise needs sound reinforcement, we can rent the PA for an additional $15 for the whole session. I will only arrange to do this if I know ahead of time that we would have a use for the PA.

When: Saturday, April 21st, 2012 - 9 p.m.

Revised 4/19: Happy Hornet will host a BBQ at her place across from the rehearsal studio. She will begin the BBQ at 6:30 p.m.

Please note that the start time is later than we sometimes do these. Saturdays are normally wide open at this facility and we chose the date based on some personal constraints. It turns out that a guitar manufacturer has the studio up through 8 p.m., so 9 p.m. became the earliest practical start time. Live music and jamming is typically a late night activity, so it seemed to me that a 9 p.m. start should be OK. I hope it is for you!

Finally, this is the first time that we had held a jam that isn't in the dead of winter. This should make driving easier, load-in easier and people may not need to dress in Arctic wear to be comfortable! I'm personally looking forward to playing guitar without wearing mittens.

Some people like to play covers, while others like to improvise over changes. If you're thinking of coming, tell us your preference and whether there are some tunes you know and would like to play. We often have one or two players who seem to know every song ever written and I usually do a last minute cram to learn a couple of things that people say they want to play.

It's a friendly, low pressure vibe and we want people to feel comfortable playing and taking some chances! Spectators are welcome. :laughing

Who is in?


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I'm in! ...with very high probability of actually showing up :laughing
9pm :wow

That's me bedtime :cry

And 9pm in San Rafael :wow :wow

um, we are a no, sorry :(
In before the ban! :party
Hell, I'll even kink in a few bones fer the cause. :teeth
In. And recomend we rent the PA. Singing can help drown out the noise, and will pitch in for the rental.

anyone in SF need a lift send me a note.
Damn, the wifey's birthday is the 22nd. I am going to have to miss this one, unfortunately. Hopefully, there will be more in the near future. Have a great time, kiddies!
Damn, the wifey's birthday is the 22nd. I am going to have to miss this one, unfortunately. Hopefully, there will be more in the near future. Have a great time, kiddies!


Have a rider friend who might be showing up, I do not think he's on BARF though, he plays guitar... maybe bass as well... Oh, and I'd be happy to chip in for the rental too, Andy.
So this studio is indoors right? Should be warm, right? :)
In! Thanks Andy & HH! :banana