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BARF Jam - Saturday, January 29th, 2011, 7 p.m. (date changed)


Write Only User
Staff member
Feb 20, 2003
Pleasanton, CA
Kaw N1K
Those of us who attended the last BARF jam decided we wanted to do it again sooner rather than later.

Attention: date change - moved from Friday to Saturday
So we're having another jam: Friday, January 28th, 2011, 7 p.m. Saturday, January 29th, 2011, 7 p.m.

2565 Cloverdale Ave.
Suite C
Concord, CA 94518

Who is in? What do you play and what equipment will you bring?

We want an environment where people feel comfortable playing and will even take a few chances! Spectators are welcome, as long as they're willing to act like the music is the greatest thing they've ever heard!

Hope you can make it!
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awwwwwww shit, not this racket again :cry



I think

Chili? or somat else? I can't think of anything easy to make in such a quantity with limited time after getting home from work
friday night ride trumps music. i'll swing by on the way back into town, but i gots ta get my hooliganism on.
Have we confirmed this isn't a LibMo night? :dunno

I didn't confirm it, but they're normally every two weeks. Last one was on the 7th, so I assumed (I know...) the next would be the 21st. Hope I'm right.
I'm a definite maybe! Gotta watch the weather, I can only bring my Yamaha DTXpress down if it's sunny and the birds are chirping. :laughing And I don't have an amp for the thing, anybody got an amp?
I MIGHT be able to make it. I'm assuming this is primarily an electric event? Despite the songs I've posted on here I don't even own a guitar amp, so I'm not sure what I could contribute.

I have a Bose PAS I can bring if I'm available.
I MIGHT be able to make it. I'm assuming this is primarily an electric event? Despite the songs I've posted on here I don't even own a guitar amp, so I'm not sure what I could contribute.

I have a Bose PAS I can bring if I'm available.

So far they have been electric, though a couple of folks have brought acoustic electrics. If you have a guitar, I can bring an extra amp.
I'm a maybe for this. Haven't been to one yet, though keep meaning too. If I can make it, I'll bring either the Telecaster or the Gretsch. I'll bring my Fender deville amp, tuner, flanger and blues driver.
I'm a maybe for this. Haven't been to one yet, though keep meaning too. If I can make it, I'll bring either the Telecaster or the Gretsch. I'll bring my Fender deville amp, tuner, flanger and blues driver.

Super! Hope to see you there.
I can bring extra amplifiers if needed, though sharing amps may be a better solution. More than a few playing at once turns into chaos pretty quickly.
I can bring extra amplifiers if needed, though sharing amps may be a better solution. More than a few playing at once turns into chaos pretty quickly.

The amps you brought last time were really fun to play through, but you're right that rotating guitar players would be a good idea. Bring what you feel like bringing; I'd love to hear anything you want to bring, but don't want it to be unreasonable for you.
Chili? or somat else? I can't think of anything easy to make in such a quantity with limited time after getting home from work

Would love to have you there. The chili was great and if you want to bring some again I'd be all over it. Just know that you're welcome there either way!