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Bay Area Riders Forum official Lane Splitting Guidelines

Very nicely done.:thumbup

Whammy vows to uphold the rules of the Bay Area Riders Forum official Lane Splitting Guidelines.
I affirm this by giving the double secret high sign.


  • high sign.JPG
    high sign.JPG
    51.4 KB · Views: 142
Good job guys! That one phase, that was pointed out above, should be rewritten.

The last point doesn't make much sense in its context.

"You have overcome your panic reactions and can operate the controls smoothly in an emergency."

Probably should be

"Overcome your panic reactions so you can operate the controls smoothly in an emergency."

to fit with the rest.
Good job Bud. I try not to be a snowflake but I see way too many guys with a super high delta splitting during my commute.
I spit when traffic is slow but try to keep a reasonable speed differential so there is time to adapt to the inevitable lane changers.

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks to Budman for making this happen. It was very discouraging to hear that the CHP guidelines would be delayed, and he stepped up when it counted. BARF, at least, will be able to spread sound advice to noob lane-splitters.

Sadly, it can't reach everyone. This happened an hour ago on I-5 in Oceanside:

Incident: 01215, 11/17/2017
Type: Fatality
Location: I5 N / CANNON NO
Detail Information
Nice looking ahead badjoojoo :thumbup

Good to get these out but the CHP's are the ones that will get most people attention.

I proposed doing them in 2011 when the DMV dude proposed banning lane sharing. That was in the CA motorcycle safety committee. He got pissed because I was not a State representative just a citizen member.

We had the CHP guidelines in '13 for a few months before they were pulled.

Looks great - thank you for all the effort. I wish we took the opportunity to change the term to "sharing" - as it denotes co-op resposibility with motorists.

Filtering helps - though I hear that word in a british accent every time. :laughing

I refuse to use the word splitting :x
Last edited:
Nice list! But the last link at the bottom of the page still seems to be broken. 404 error.
So... we adjusted it.

The link should work now... and we just eliminated the panic statement.

I will send them off to our committees now.
I totally get the sharing vs. splitting. I tried like hell to get the committee and Mr. Quirk to keep it sharing. I lost. Since it is not in the VC as Splitting we followed the protocol.

The last point doesn't make much sense in its context.

"You have overcome your panic reactions and can operate the controls smoothly in an emergency."

Probably should be

"Overcome your panic reactions so you can operate the controls smoothly in an emergency."

to fit with the rest.

To address the easier said than done:

"Training and practicing is essential to operating the controls smoothly which will help you overcome the tendancy to panic in emergency situations."

IOW, what you should do, how you should do it ,why you should it and the results of doing it.
You can find them here

I also added some older documents I wrote.
Lane Sharing tips <--- yes sharing :teeth

And a piece about what parents should be aware of when their kids get into riding. This really is for Parents that might not know a lot about bikes to help them understand what to be aware of. If you know Parents who child is getting into riding or recently started please feel free to share with them.
I note that the disclaimer makes no mention of motorcycling being dangerous... just lane-splitting!

I'm just glad the word "delta" does not appear in the terms.

Thanks for putting that together, and I hope it reaches as many riders as possible. Could be a handy handout at local moto shops.
Think it's worth mentioning to know where the other surrounding vehicles blind spots are when splitting past them.

And also looking for front wheels starting to point to change lanes

Solid list for sure!!
Those are noted in the Lane Sharing tips along with others. Much more comprehensive.
Looks good, budman! :thumbup

The only message (not words) that I would have liked to see was thet stopping distance squares with distance, making higher speeds significantly dangerous and rain not only reduces your ability to react as quickly but also reduces not only the drivers ability to see and hear you but your ability to see everything that is going on.

Granted, those are two difficult concepts to put into few words.

As always, and I know I'm not alone in this, definitely appreciate the time, energy and experience that you put into efforts for the community like this. :thumbup
What are the general recommendations for deltas when:
1. cars completely stoped
2. cars barely moving 10-20mph
3. cars moving less than speed limit 20-60

I caught myself doing a over 30 mph yesterday when cars were completely stopped on the highway. My brain didn't register it as being dangerous but once I saw the 30+ delta I slowed down a little. Generally try to stick to <20mph delta since 20 mph can be scrubbed off near instantly.
1. 10-15 on the freeway. 5-10 when filtering in town at a red light.
2. 10-15 still applies
3. 10-15 still applies, but personally at higher speeds I may wick the throttle a little more once into the space between two cars assuming their is a clear space ahead. Just to get through to a safe zone quickly and safely.