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Cali State "Best of the West" Championship


the beer fairy
Oct 7, 2005
burbank ca
R6, crf 150, big wheel trike
Are you ready? any other racers from AFM, CVMA, OMRRA, WMRRA, MOM, or MRA that want to race this event - if you do not have a WERA license, you don't have to get one, the CSC license will cover you for the weekend :D...sponsor page is getting updated, but there are some pretty killer prizes. Overall Heavyweight gets a Texas Tornado Boot Camp, Middleweight gets a Yamaha Champions Riding School, Lightweight gets a Supermoto School ... just for starters.

CSC license fee is $40 for expert, $30 for novice..


check out the updated sponsors page for class payouts, series discounts, and contingency sponsors :D ! wanna sign up? go to the contact page & send an email - Vegas is going to be awesome :D!
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Are yellow platers allowed this year?

The web page seems to still be showing old information about the series (multiple club-hosted events)
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yes - yellow platers are allowed this year: here's info from the front page:

we are updating the website as my sponsors confirm everything, but if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. my cell is on the contact page.
yellow plates go into a top overall novice.I already checked.I'm going regardless,already set plans in motion months ago.It's my birthday weekend,in Vegas,AND racing.:thumbup
Senior heavyweight superbike novice
one more thing - your CSC license fee this year includes your pics from the weekend from Brandon Bones....

see first post for additional details about class payouts.>>
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Just a quick update on the California State "Best of the West" Championship:

First, I would like to thank all of you that have signed up so far. Second, for those of you will most likely sign up at the track, that's fine too, you can sign up for the CSC as late as Saturday at the event itself and sign up for the races. However, if you'd like to save yourself some time at registration, you can still pre-register for the races with WERA. If you have a WERA license, then you can use the online entry tool or fax in your entry. ***Pre-entry closes SATURDAY OCT 27 for faxed entries!!***

**If you do not have a WERA license, you can only fax in your entry. Here's the link for the information on how to enter: http://maps.wera.com/pre-entry/?x=1098. Also if you do not have a full WERA license, there are 2 more items that you need to know. 1) if you have ever raced with WERA before, you need to let them know at registration, and you don't need to fill out a WERA membership form. 2) If you have never raced with WERA before, then you do need to fill out a WERA membership form, here is the link: http://maps.wera.com/pdfs/forms/member.pdf. Because it's for your information only, DO NOT fill out the credit card section, and simply write "CSC 2012" at the top.**

***If you want to run Formula 40 Lightweight, write it in on the race entry form (there's not a WERA class for it) but there is space to write it in at the end of the classes list. It will most likely be gridded with Senior Superbike.***

For a list of classes the CSC is running in, please visit the classes page:
Also be sure to check out the sponsors page:

On Saturday, there will be a "Best Bike" contest. This is for best color scheme, paint job, and overall appearance. This will be decided by voting, and done by the spectators. Winners will be announced on Sunday at the riders meeting, and there will be prizes for this. On Sunday following the conclusion of the races, there will be an awards ceremony at the track, and the trophies, prizes and championship awards will be given out. Plan on hanging out for about an hour to grab your loot... I will have pizza delivered to feed you. :D

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me - my cell is on the contact page: http://castatechampionship.com/contact.php
Any chance of a singles class being added?
Anyone from the bay area planning to attend? I'm strongly consideing to go but it's just too expensive to roll out there by my self.