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Comic strips,and Troll Faces, etc. (NSFW images must be linked & labelled)

Ronda's wiki today :laughing
I don't care whether you use a pc or a console to play video games; you're a pimple-faced dork in either case.

Post moar pics.
A pimple faced dork who neither faps nor has lost the virginity aspect AND hasn't successfully launched from mom's basement yet.

On the tangent. . . .how in the hell do ya' build a billion dollar industry from pimple faced virgins? My home planet wants to know.
How to be a Peasant:

1) Buy a piece of subpar hardware with proprietary software that only lets you play ONE BRAND of game, and maybe like 5% of the games from the last piece of subpar hardware with proprietary software if you're LUCKY. This is called a console.

2) Either buy the other consoles or pretend that all the exclusive titles for those consoles aren't actually any good so you don't feel like you're missing out.

3) Buy second controller so friends can take up 1/2 of your screen. You might think it would be nice if each player could have their own screen but they'd have to buy their own console to do it. Encourage your friends to buy the same console. Be ignorant of the fact that you can have 4 screens, 4 players and 1 PC all working together. Avoid realizing that buying 4 consoles so each person can have their own screen costs as much as a seriously rad gaming PC. Don't think about how it would be nice if you could use whatever control and hardware configuration you wanted. Be proud that you are only allowed to use one type of controller.

4) Pay $10 for the privilege of getting owned by cheaters and called racial slurs by 12 year olds for a month. To you, the peasant-in-training, online play is a critical service needed to enjoy any game with a multiplayer mode. On the PC, it's just called "internet." Laugh at how they don't even have a giant money-grubbing watchdog charging them money just to play half (or more) of the game they already paid $60 for with other people. Idiots.

5) Play a generic FPS. Notice it has an incredibly narrow field of view. Get shot by people standing outside that field of view repeatedly. Turn up your sensitivity so you can actually try to shoot back at people outside that FOV, then realize you can't aim at them because it's too sensitive. Turn on Aim Assist and let the game hold your hand so you have at least a fighting chance at hitting something. Watch the player hosting the game win because he has the best connection. Deny that dedicated servers would be better because that's for those stupid PC mustard race idiots.

6) Realize that even though the salesman at Best Buy totally assured you that 4K TVs make your games look amazing, every game is rendered in 900p and scaled up to 4K, making everything look incredibly shitty and pixelated. Wish that your console had the hardware for even basic anti-aliasing so the edges of buildings didn't look like they were drawn in MSPaint. (Just kidding, this step will never happen to console peasants like you).

7) Play an open-world game. Try not to cringe when the framerate cuts in half whenever there's an explosion. Or a gunfight. Or a car crash. Or when you look at anything other than a blank wall or the sky.

8) Software companies worth tens of billions of dollars whose sole motivation is to make even more billions of dollars by selling you subpar games with shitty optimization full of microtransactions say that 30fps is "more cinematic." Believe this because you are mentally challenged. Continue to give them money. Argue with PC fags who actually care about having games run smoothly for the sake of immersion and decide they don't want to support companies that treat them like... well, peasants.

9) Conveniently forget that there's a development cycle of 8 years between consoles. Ignore the fact that you will be playing games on technology that is 8 years old before the release of the next console. If a PC lamer ever mentions how nice it is to be able to modify a machine you own with other hardware every year or two to keep up with the curve instead of being prohibited by the manufacturer, throw a fit and call him a fag. Be content that you own the exact same thing as every other person as awesome as you instead of being able to customize and own something unique.

10) Laugh at PC fags who spent $1000 on a machine that makes games look 10x better than someone who spent $400 on a console. Firmly believe that spending 2.5 times as much to make the same games look ten times as good is a bad value and not worth the money.

11) Go to reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/top. Become enraged that other people are showing off builds they made for $500 which are many times more powerful than your console. Lose your shit. Call everyone fags and racial slurs.

12) Buy doritos and mountain dew so you can level up faster in Black Ops III. Fail to realize you are a complete moron for buying a bunch of garbage that so powerfully represents the odiousness of modern mainstream gaming. Continue to live in denial.

13) Go on internet forums and show off how little you actually know about gaming. Make PC enthusiasts cringe and rustle jimmies.

14) Mainstream game you're interested in says they won't have cross platform play because having a keyboard and mouse is too huge of an advantage. Breathe sigh of relief that you won't get pwn3d by people with more sense and better setups.

video from which gif is from, further proof that Eldritch is turning into to Tuxumino

goto 2:00 but really watch the whole thing, why? cus cosplay girls.



:laughing Just to be clear, I am not now, nor shall I ever be, turning into Tux. I'm not into Anime, have never been into anime, I am not a weeaboo and have no interest in Sailor Moon. Now ,that being said, I am a game geek from way back and have been playing D&D since the 80's. I have been to game-cons and to this day have friends who are into LARP, so there is some genre sharing going on, but the game scene is pretty separate from the Anime kids.

Given the overlap in media interests, I see a LOT of D-Piddy posts from my friends on Facebook, I have a dear friend who often posts her stuff down at some con just last weekend, I can't remember which one it is.


All that being said, I just posted the first funny .gif that came up for a TLDR search.
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