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Destination Ride Restaurants - Feeling it? What are your fav's?

Not sure if it's been mentioned before and don't know if it's considered a "destination" per se but Turtle Rock Bar and Cafe out in Lake Berryessa area was a brand new find for me a year ago.

All the locals in the North bay probably know of this but for those old farts who never ventured out there unless it was for wine or casinos would've never picked up on this place. They are known for their huge egg rolls, ambiance doesn't disappoint either.

After my countless rides to Alices, Junction - this was a nice break from it all when in the North.
Closer- not many of these old school Italian deli's around (like Woodside and Stanford Deli were), where the sour dough rolls are still sour (!);

Zoccoli's Deli Pacific Ave Santa Cruz zoccolis.com

Try La Villa Deli in downtown Willow Glen in San Jose. A good old fashioned family run deli that's been around for years.
Speaking of which, Pedro Point Brewing comes to mind.
We need to support our Barfers.
Hi Aaron.:wave

I was thinking about Pedro Point Brewing but they don't serve food and this is a list of restaurants.
I did get a sandwich there once. Aaron was hosting a benefit and was selling sandwiches.
Aw heck, he's a Barfer and we gotta support Barfers.

Dude... I heard he folded. FU Corona

That's a bummer. Aaron was living his dream. Not surprised though. Lots of businesses are circling the drain.

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated!

While we may be circling the drain, I've been hustling night and day to try to survive. I'm canning like a madman (single can at a time, manually applied labels, so it takes awhile) and have been providing beer to go 6 days a week.

For anyone who wants to help us out, please go to www.pedropointbrewing.com and place an order. I love BARF and I love my moto brethren. Hang in there, folks!
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated!

While we may be circling the drain, I've been hustling night and day to try to survive. I'm canning like a madman (single can at a time, manually applied labels, so it takes awhile) and have been providing beer to go 6 days a week.

For anyone who wants to help us out, please go to www.pedropointbrewing.com and place an order. I love BARF and I love my moto brethren. Hang in there, folks!

Most excellent news!!! Beer worth traveling for!! Hang in there Aaron!!
That is good news man!!!

I saw a post saying different by you and now I have seen one saying you are working it baby!!!

Best wishes.
Thanks, guys. I will make this thing work if it kills me. Hopefully, it won't.
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated!

While we may be circling the drain, I've been hustling night and day to try to survive. I'm canning like a madman (single can at a time, manually applied labels, so it takes awhile) and have been providing beer to go 6 days a week.

For anyone who wants to help us out, please go to www.pedropointbrewing.com and place an order. I love BARF and I love my moto brethren. Hang in there, folks![/QUOTE
Good news other than it makes me want a beer!:twofinger
If anyone can figure out how to get beer to me up here in the north country, I'll place an order.
Come on Barfers, step up. Place an order.
Aaron, next time, don't be shy. It takes a community.
If anyone can figure out how to get beer to me up here in the north country, I'll place an order.
Come on Barfers, step up. Place an order.
Aaron, next time, don't be shy. It takes a community.

I will gladly hold some beer for you and deliver it at some point. Editing to add that I can be trusted as I am not much of a beer drinker.
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Reama, No question about trusting you. Text me when you're going to pickup the beer and I'll get you some funds and my shopping list.
Aaron, any T shirts in Lg?
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated!

This post makes me happy. Sincerely.
Hang in there Aaron. As soon as this COVID shit is behind us I plan on dragging my son down your way. :ride
Here in SLO the supes allow alcohol to go, distilled or brewed.

Hence his canning efforts, I'm guessin'.
Prohibition didn't stop us so the lung sniffles sure as hell shouldn't. :laughing
Anyone else have any to add??

Love to get some more from down south for sure.