Earthquake preparedness thread - post your suggestions or questions

Wanted to mention that replacing any battery powered items with hand crank items is a good idea, or maybe in addition to. They're annoying to use because the caps in them are too small, but they can be priceless if you don't have batteries. Also, being that they're little generators, they may be a good starting point for hacking to charge other items. Of course, everything needs fuel to operate, so hand cranking for an hour won't be much fun if you haven't eaten for a few days.
For those that sleep in the buff, it's seriously advisable to have a robe near by. In case it starts getting shakey you don't want to have to wake up the kids and get stuff going in the nude.

Ask me how this one came up. :facepalm

I have multiple Go-Bags laying around, each one usually has some form of Quik Clot/Rudimentary Medkit, Matches sealed in Wax, Firestarter, Canister filled with Vasaline coated lint, Knife, Notebook and usually enough space to fit a couple "high capacity" magazines for a couple firearms.

Food and water are stored in other containers, my Go-Bags are generally built for quick evac, everything else can be picked up at a later time once I figure a building is cleared for reentry or I feel the need to go all Fallout Scavenger.
I posted this info in another thread, but thought it was worth reposting again. You can buy premade kits at this bay area based business/web site. I bought several and pretty happy with them.

I also like the water is smaller containers, see below. I used to have five 10 gallon water bottles in the garage, but switched because I feel these would survive a big quake better and last 5 years.
I do seismic retro fits and can say these two things.

You can't stand in a doorway during a big quake. Crawl to the hallway because there is no furniture to bounce on top of you. Buildings rarely "pancake".

Emergency food/water. Have enough for you and your family and EXTRA for your friends. You will feel terrible when a friend with hungry children asks you for food and you don't give them any.

After Catrina we all know it can take up to 10 days for help to arrive. Be ready for 10 days of fending for yourself.

Keep 5 gallons of gas/petrol around. That will get you 100 miles to where the gas stations are working and the destruction in minimal.

Keep some emergency cash around. SMALL BILLS! 1's 5's' 10's.

A gun is helpful, real or not. People get panicky and you can use it to keep them away from you and your stuff. People intent on hurting you will do so anyway, it's the neighbor that has "lost it" for the moment that you need to keep back and you really don't want to hurt them.
What he said, sans the guns.

You really don't need them. If everyone had 10 gallons of water for each person and food for 10 days, we will get to you, esp in urban areas.

Firearms only add to frustration and fear unless your hunting for deer, and I would bet that one in 10,000 or less in the bay area even know how to unzipped them and male quick work of it. Probably less.

Be prepared, share, hold tight. Radio is good to have.
What he said, sans the guns.

You really don't need them. If everyone had 10 gallons of water for each person and food for 10 days, we will get to you, esp in urban areas.

Firearms only add to frustration and fear unless your hunting for deer, and I would bet that one in 10,000 or less in the bay area even know how to unzipped them and male quick work of it. Probably less.

Be prepared, share, hold tight. Radio is good to have.

Right. Because there is no looting going on when SHTF.
I have about 8-10 one-gallon water bottles around all the time and rotate 'em. Easier to share if needed too.
The 10-gallon ones sound good, but not practical if you only need a glass of water - unless it has a pump or spigot thingie.

I housesit often so I have an overnight bag in my trunk with toothbrush, toothpaste, and other travel-size toiletries good for a day or three.

Car trunk's gymbag has T-shirt, sweats, socks and sneakers (and moths, lol :facepalm).
Foil reflective blanket, smaller water bottles, lasting granola bars...

Good idea about a cash stash - and in smaller bills. :thumbup And sweats or robe near the bed.

Stock and rotate Tuna, Spam (jk), those foil-pouch Indian dinners, etc. Manual can openers!!

If your cell gets busted or lost, will you have the contact info for your family/friends? How many numbers do you know by memory? Write 'em down someplace and update annually.

SFFD NERT Classes.

(Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)

I took this course last year and reccomend it without any reservations.
The SFFD instructors are quite thorough and cover more than earthquakes.

It's free.
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This isn't a bad idea....could probably make your own Just-In-Case bag:

I think if you have a dual sport/dirtbike....or even a horse you would be able to travel even if the feds shut down the roads, highways, etc. Maybe a mountain bike to get back and forth to the store/gas station, etc.

People commuting across bridges and through tunnels need to be aware, you could be stuck for days without being able to reach your loved ones. So, having a bag in your car for you and one at home for your family is vital. You may need to take special steps to prepare if you take public transportation to work as well.

Ladies: Pack tennis shoes and extra clothes in your bag (in your car or at work). You don't want to be stuck in your high heels and skirt for days on end.
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whole lotta shaking going on today...


2012-08-14 03:24:50.0 18.42 N 116.90 E 10 mb 6.6 A SOUTH CHINA SEA BEO
2012-08-14 03:24:10.0 26.73 N 17.63 E 14 mb 5.6 A: LIBYA MAD
2012-08-14 03:23:11.5 50.67 S 15.82 W 10 mb 6.4 A SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC OCEAN SC3
2012-08-14 03:21:41.7 39.27 S 37.72 W 10 mb 6.0 A SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN SC3

2012-08-14 03:13:39.4 71.35 N 47.52 E 10 mb 6.1 A: BARENTS SEA SC3

2012-08-14 03:09:58.4 56.28 N 107.34 E 10 mb 6.5 A: IRKUTSKAYA OBLAST', RUSSIA MSO

2012-08-14 03:07:29.5 25.57 N 79.06 E 33 mb 6.7 A. UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA GSRC
2012-08-14 03:00:00.0 49.70 N 145.30 E Mw 7.3 M SEA OF OKHOTSK PTWC
2012-08-14 02:59:04.5 49.30 N 146.50 E 267 Mw 7.7 A SEA OF OKHOTSK BGSG
2012-08-14 02:59:42.5 49.78 N 145.13 E 625 A SEA OF OKHOTSK GII
2012-08-14 02:59:42.0 49.80 N 145.11 E 625 Mw 7.3 M SEA OF OKHOTSK NEIC
2012-08-14 02:59:42.0 Moment tensors M# SEA OF OKHOTSK MT
2012-08-14 02:59:42.0 49.78 N 145.13 E 625 M 7.7 M SEA OF OKHOTSK NEIC
2012-08-14 02:59:39.7 49.74 N 145.18 E 14 mb 7.5 A! SEA OF OKHOTSK MAD
2012-08-14 02:59:37.7 49.73 N 145.25 E 578 M 7.2 A: SEA OF OKHOTSK GFZ
2012-08-14 02:59:37.6 49.81 N 145.16 E 578 Mw 7.3 M+ SEA OF OKHOTSK CSEM
2012-08-14 02:59:37.4 48.88 N 145.16 E 600 mb 7.3 A SEA OF OKHOTSK ZAMG
2012-08-14 02:59:36.9 48.30 N 147.90 E 377 Mw 7.7 A SEA OF OKHOTSK BGSG
2012-08-14 02:59:35.5 49.90 N 145.27 E 540 mb 7.3 A SEA OF OKHOTSK GSRC
2012-08-14 02:58:38.6 49.08 N 143.48 E 33 mb 6.9 A SAKHALIN, RUSSIA LDG
2012-08-14 02:58:34.8 47.16 N 148.71 E 137 mb 6.9 A NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS BEO
2012-08-14 02:58:34.7 47.32 N 148.48 E 125 mb 7.3 A: NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS BEO
2012-08-14 02:58:31.6 48.44 N 148.52 E 30 A NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS GFU
2012-08-14 02:58:28.0 47.00 N 148.00 E 1 mb 7.3 A NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS LED
2012-08-14 02:58:27.6 48.33 N 147.61 E 10 mb 7.5 A: SEA OF OKHOTSK MSO
2012-08-14 02:58:19.4 46.28 N 147.22 E 25 mb 7.0 A NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS NEWS
2012-08-14 02:58:16.1 45.89 N 147.70 E 25 mb 7.0 A! KURIL ISLANDS NEWS
that's what xgambit said..:twofinger

