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favorite line from a song?

Dance, dance, dance this mess around
Dance this mess around
Shake, shake-a-bake shake
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Dance this mess around
Yeah, yeah, yeah
O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!
Ah-Hippy Hippy forward Hippy Hippy
Hippy Shake, Hippy Shake
Oh-it's time to do 'em right
Hey now, don't that make you feel a whole lot better?
With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down!

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down!


last time i heard that played, i was trotting into the ring on my big ground pounder (huge jumper class). he kicked total fucking ass. we took a podium.

thanks for the memory.
Tennessee stud was long and lean
The color of the sun and his eyes were green
With a time-rusted compass blade
Aladdin and his lamp
Sits with Utopian hermit monks
Sidesaddle on the Golden Calf
And on their promises of paradise
You will not hear a laugh
All except inside the Gates of Eden
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it all to charity
Love is what I got
It's within my reach
"Throughout history, every mystery ever solved has turned out to be..not magic"

You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim
It only took my little fingers to blow you away

(my real favorite Elvis Costello line I can't post because it has the n-word in it)
so my little darlin'
I write these words to you
You dun stomped on my heart
And you mashed that sucker flat
You just sortta stomped on MY Aorta
I'm all dressed in blue and I'm remembering you
and the dress you wore
when you broke my heart
It's a lovely lovely world since I met you
Now the sun shines brighter and the sky'is a little bit bluer
And my little old rattle trap Ford coupe even seems a little bit newer
Well my guitar stays a little better in tune
The stars snine brighter there's honey on the moon
It's a lovely lovely world since I met you
Everything you dream of is right in front of you and everything is a lie

Look me in the eye and tell me that I’m satisfed
"coffee black.....cigarette
start this day like all the rest"
ooooooooooo a storm is threatening
....my very life today