Funny Vid! (SFW)

creamygoodness said:
i saw that last week on kron11, even the newscasters shed their professionalism for a few seconds to clown on those fools.

"yeah, i'll pull a tuck and roll out of this mother because i don't think the 'safety cage' that the car companies spent millions in designing will be safe enough to protect me from this 15mph impact"


funny thing is, even one of my roommates said that he'd do the same thing. fuck that. if i was in that car, i'd sit there and buckle up. if you see what you're about to hit, why not just brace for the impact and be safe as opposed to jumping out and risking one of your limbs getting run over by your own vehicle.


Yeah, even say at a max 25, its not a dead stop! You should be fine!
Damn, that's some swell driving there. Geeez, I wonder if it snows in Minnesota EVERY year at winter time....?

What's really great is that not just one but two people in that clip bailed out...

Now a stunna woulda opened the door, stepped out, grabbed his wing as his car zipped by and skitched...
And for those of you talking mad shit who've probably never driven in snow, and would've ended up just like those people... if you were ever caught in that kinda situation...




You can see all those knuckleheads have their brakelights on all the way to impact. Amateurs!
If they make intercooler sprayers, you would think someone would come up with salt sprayers. Hook it up to the front of your car and when you can't stop it lays down a spread of nice crunchy salt.
anyone think "preparing for the impact" would be kinda fun? I'd take off the seatbelt, with my hands at 12 and 2 and yell out -- "GIMME ALL YA GOT!"