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Guy sits with the door open in traffic, to prove a point to a lane-sharer ... huh?

That video is making me twitch. WTH?
Haha, I like where he chose to end the video.

ooh did not really see that, until now. :)

That video is making me twitch. WTH?

It's making me wonder, too. Almost like "Did the car really guy do this on purpose? Is this a fake video?" That's the kind of "twitching" I have about this video....
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"It's legal for us to do this, and it's illegal for you to do that!"
*proceeds to do something illegal*
Not following you. Seemed like a cordial convo.

Maybe the brother was just hot stuck in traffic and wanted to open his door for more air... I'd do that...
Not following you. Seemed like a cordial convo.

Maybe the brother was just hot stuck in traffic and wanted to open his door for more air... I'd do that...
The video cuts out as he starts transitioning to pass the next car on the shoulder, which is illegal.
The video cuts out as he starts transitioning to pass the next car on the shoulder, which is illegal.
Dunno if he did but it damn sure looked like he was going in that direction.
I saw a similar thing once in downtown Willow Glen where the road was narrow. Someone didn’t check his rear view mirror before opening his car door. He opened the drivers door wide and another driver hit his door and took it clean off. The last I saw of the door it was skittering down the road, making sparks as the guy sat in his car with a dumb look on his face. A motorcycle can do the same thing.
I mean, I think most of us have experienced a car that intentionally drives super close to the line so we can't get through. Opening your door is next level asshatery.

I never understood why drivers are so mad at lane splitters. If riders are being flat out dangerous, that's one thing. But like... you're mad I'm getting somewhere quicker than you? What's the alternative? I could be in a car increasing the amount of traffic.
Watched the video but it isn't available now to review.

Thought I saw cracks in the passenger mirror. Conversation was civil and passenger was, I believe, explaining that the mirror had been hit. Pushy biker saying Not Me, Let Me By, I Got Camera.

Not good, Mr. Ambassador of Entitlement.

In summary, earlier rider bounced off cagers mirror, passenger dude let's next rider know, Not Acceptable. Mr. Entitled gives lecture, passenger relents, Mr. Entitled proceeds to ride off in scofflaw fashion.


Can we convene a school of common sense for Cue Ball and this guy?

Messages for Other Vehicle Drivers​

  • Lane splitting by motorcyclists is legal in California.
  • Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal.
  • Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcyclist is illegal.
  • Drivers in the far left lane should move to the left of their lane to give motorcyclists ample room to pass.
So the mirror was scratched by a rider and he wants another to take the whole door off?
The thing that car drivers often don't seem to understand is that, a motorcycles splitting has ABSOLUTELY NO AFFECT ON THEM. In fact if more people rode bikes and split lanes, it will help EASE traffic congestion. But we Americans are often willfully ignorant and entitled.
Watched the video but it isn't available now to review.

Thought I saw cracks in the passenger mirror. Conversation was civil and passenger was, I believe, explaining that the mirror had been hit. Pushy biker saying Not Me, Let Me By, I Got Camera.

Not good, Mr. Ambassador of Entitlement.

In summary, earlier rider bounced off cagers mirror, passenger dude let's next rider know, Not Acceptable. Mr. Entitled gives lecture, passenger relents, Mr. Entitled proceeds to ride off in scofflaw fashion.


Can we convene a school of common sense for Cue Ball and this guy?
He may not have been empathetic to the dude but he ain't no Cue Ball.
The thing that car drivers often don't seem to understand is that, a motorcycles splitting has ABSOLUTELY NO AFFECT ON THEM.
That’s not true. On the video, a motorcyclist damaged the cager’s mirror. And more often than not, splitting can be so aggressive and annoying, that it scares and irritates cagers, make cagers swerve, etc. Splitting isn’t a bed of roses.