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Guy sits with the door open in traffic, to prove a point to a lane-sharer ... huh?

That’s not true. On the video, a motorcyclist damaged the cager’s mirror. And more often than not, splitting can be so aggressive and annoying, that it scares and irritates cagers, make cagers swerve, etc. Splitting isn’t a bed of roses.
I disagree with the statement that splitting is usually done in a dangerous manner. There are always idiots and douchnozzles on both sides. Lane filtering is standard practice in most of Europe and Asia but most people over there actually act like adults Unlike here the Land of Adult Infants

I disagree with the statement that splitting is usually done in a dangerous manner. There are always idiots and douchnozzles on both sides. Lane filtering is standard practice in most of Europe and Asia but most people over there actually act like adults Unlike here the Land of Adult Infants

It is not "that splitting is usually done in a dangerous manner" It is that no cage driver remembers the rider that passes at a reasonable speed. It is that the cage driver never forgets the rider that blasts buy at 50 + mph than the driver is moving. It is always the 1% that gives us all a bad name. I only drive to the bay area a few times a year. I always leave room for a rider to get by. And I always shake my head when a rider goes by splitting when the traffic is moving at 60+ mph.

STFD when you are splitting.
This all seems a bit much ado about nothing. Far more dangerous things occur just riding and when splitting, we know that going in. That the guy in the car opened & left open the door suggests to me he wasn't as worked up as many people are. Followed by a relatively calm chat from both players (kudos to both), car guy acquiesced as the detail of it being legal to split sunk in. I hope he tells his friends.

There are many not known vehicle code rules- this is clearly in that category- a reality to continue keeping in mind riding or driving.
I remember my high school history teacher, who was my driver's ed instructor at the time, told the class that the DMV driver's handbook was about 100 pages, but the vehicle code of violations you could be cited for violating was this thick - holds up hand like this:
The flaw with the driver is that he was taking his issue up with a rider who didn't cause his problem.

Yeah, he's unhappy that his mirror got scratched, but that has nothing to do with another rider who is splitting. That's like taking the mirror off of the next pickup truck that you come across because the previous pickup truck driver tried to take you out. Or punching the next guy you come across wearing a certain shirt because your girlfriend cheated with a guy wearing that shirt.
I've talked to many drivers who don't ride and say they find splitting startles them or is just unnerving. I try to plan my DY passes so I'm not a surprise, splitting I just keep my speed differential down, but that's less for the other drivers as it is for myself.

In this case, that dude is an idiot, but I'd have just demonstrated how effective a moto is in traffic by utilizing the shoulder momentarily to turn him into a blip in my rear view mirror.