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I need S-T Tires.

Azaro 45/46 'B'

Just put the new Azaros on the VFR today. Did a little 100 mile scrub in so the wife will be safe when she rides it.

Gotta tell you, there is no comparison between the Z4's and the Azaros. I had read a couple of tire reviews and noted in one review about the Z6's that the Z4's actually negatively impacted the VFRs handling.

Just 100 miles on the new tires confirmed it for me. The bike handles dramatically better, turns in quicker and seems to be more stable at higher speed (not insane speed just 70 - 80 mile p/hr sweeper stuff).

I don't know how well they'll hold up mileage wise - and truthfully, we'll need to log quite a few more trips to get a definitive review - but so far I am very satisfied.

If you go with Azaro's be sure to get the 'B' type - I've mentioned this before but strongly encourage those to be aware of it.

Kind regards all -

K -
I got the Avon 45/46!!! I have them sitting in my living room.
I'm trying to use up my 208's before I put these on.
I got the Avon 45/46!!! I have them sitting in my living room.
I'm trying to use up my 208's before I put these on.
I got the Avon 45/46!!! I have them sitting in my living room.
I'm trying to use up my 208's before I put these on. I did not read your posts about the "B" version before I bought them. So, I'll assume that I have the 'regular' ones.