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Livermore dad in a coma


Apr 23, 2005
2020 Husqvarna FE501s d/s, 2016 fe350s husky, 2006 Suzuki VStrom 1000,
CRF 100, Honda XR250r, CRF150
Sean rides a Road Glide often with his son or wife on the back. He was riding to work on 580 at 6:30am when this happened.

As some of you may, or may not know, Sean Greig, was in a serious motorcycle accident back on January 30th. Sean suffered numerous fractured bones, but his head took the most serious injuries. Sean sustained a severe traumatic brain injury and has been in a coma ever since the accident.

The Greigs have been big supporters of Phantom lacrosse for many years. Jackson is in his second year at U14, and their little one, Kalvin, just started at U8.

If anyone from the Phantom family would like more information about how they could help the family during this difficult time, they can visit www.baebrows.co/sean for more information.
Sending prayers to the Grieg family for Sean's recovery.

Absolutely sucks to hear this.
Damn that sucks, TBIs are no joke and this is a long time to be in a coma. Hopefully he comes out of it soon.
encourage people to visit and talk to him. Hearing is the last sense to remain functional in an unconscious person.

Speedy recovery to Sean. Ride safe everyone.
:rip Sean

Condolences to his family and friends. :rose
I came across this forum through a friend and needed to say it so people don’t get scammed anymore.

Please don’t donate to that gofundme. During the time of Sean’s accident, Felicia was never taking care of Jackson or her own kids. Jackson went to live with his mother. Felicia would take Kalvin to lacrosse for attention. Felicia has spent the gofundme money buying a new house, on plastic surgery, traveling around the world while abandoning Kalvin and his brother. She has refused to give Jackson and his family any money and has the 529 account in her name as the account holder. She’s been taking her new fiancé around Livermore and showing him off at church and other places like Sean didn’t just die last year. She posts online to gain sympathy from people that her husband died. When in reality she never cared about him.

Unfortunately there’s not much Sean’s family can do since she was listed as the only beneficiary. Sean’s family won’t be able to use any gofundme/insurance money to support Jackson. Please pray for Jackson and the rest of Sean’s family. RIP Sean. He would have never wanted this for his family.
Had no idea. I see Jackson at lacrosse and that’s it. Season is starting soon. I’ll talk to Sean’s mom and see if there is another way to contribute to Jackson. Really nice kid