Making a "patched" jacket with my company logo. Bad form or...?

I'm willing to act pissed at you if it gets me free good coffee :)
2016 Victory Highball in Chico. If you see me, flip me the finger and I will be more than happy to hook you up!
The only issue with having your company's logo on your riding jacket is that you need to ride like a saint. No flipping the middle finger, no acting like a jerk while riding, nothing, because if you do, it'll look poorly on the company. You do not want to have that conversation with management about poor riding behavior.
Yeah, our manager is a real ahole. I dont want to deal with him. Good thing i'm the manager! LOL!

But yeah, youre right. I dont generally ride like a jerk, so I should be good. BUt there will be that one time....
Can you imagine getting braced about this, and then the 1%ers realize it's a fuckin coffee company logo and they're suddenly unsure if they need to beat you up and you're handing them free samples. :laughing

"Bro, maybe you need to try our decaf coffee you seem a little high strung..." :rofl
Fuck that guy... patch it up!!! :laughing
Hell yeah!
Can you imagine getting braced about this, and then the 1%ers realize it's a fuckin coffee company logo and they're suddenly unsure if they need to beat you up and you're handing them free samples. :laughing

"Bro, maybe you need to try our decaf coffee you seem a little high strung..." :rofl
HAHAHAH!! Straight out of a Adam Sandler movie. Fuck Waterboy, I'll be Coffeeboy. They can pick on me all they want, I'll always have the best coffee around! LOL