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Obsessed with fishing


New member
May 1, 2020
Nor Cal
Yamaha R6
Anybody else obsessed with ocean fishing? I can't get enough, since the age of 5. I get seasick on a boat in any swells over 4 feet, yet I just bought a 24' PNW fishing boat. I stare at the swell and wind reports every morning. I'm also obsessed with fishing from shore for huge Lings and rockfish. It's like a sickness..........I'm thinking of trading my 08 R6 race bike for a small 14-16' aluminum so I can self launch......
I had a boat in FL. Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean is the number one thing I miss the most from FL.
Heck yeah, I'm all about the salt water. I can't catch anything more than crawdad in fresh water. I will catch 1-2 salmon a year but dungeness and lingcod are my go to. I fish all over the Sonoma coast.
yes, yes I am. the San Diego bays have 3 species of bass, sculpin, and halibut that are amazingly fun to catch and eat.

I have a 12' inflatable with a 15HP outboard that is great for 2-3 people fishing in the bays. a few months ago, I was going 3-4x a month. Harbor Patrol just opened up recreational boating as long as everyone is from the same household. so ill probably go this weekend.

shore fishing in the bays is still closed.

im probably going to sell my race bike this year to buy a larger boat.
I love fishing. I’m no good at it but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a boat before I’m too old to enjoy it




The ling and rockfish were caught from shore.

Show me some pics!
Sand bass are def plentiful from Santa Barbara south. DFG says they live as far north as Santa Cruz - didn’t know that one.
a buddy and I caught ~25 fish on Sunday from 8 different species, including 2 keeper sand bass. we dont frequently catch that many species, so that was really cool - sand bass, calico bass, spotted bass, mackerel, lizardfish, sculpin, halibut, and sargo. I bought 3 new lures and they all caught fish immediately. unfortunately, I lost one of them 20min after reeling in a keeper :(

these sand bass arent legal. I tend to fish 2 poles and caught both of these nearly at the same time, lol.

a baby but'
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I love fishing so much I had a pond built in my yard. I have it stocked with largemouth bass, many kinds of bluegills and catfish. It is nice after work to being able to hang out by the pond and catch some fish. I hate cleaning them so I catch and release but if I get a big enough bass I will call up family and neighbors and see if someone wants it.

During the SIP here in Louisiana I have let some of the kids my daughters know fish the pond to stave off boredom. They can fish but have to stay down at the pond and let me know before they come so I can make sure the family stays inside.

I really like to eat ocean fish and would love to go out but need to befriend someone with an open water capable boat.......:(
Will do have to take some downsize it and host'em. Probably tonight as I need to post some stuff in what have you made lately thread also.
I fish for sport. Flyfish for trout and bass, lure fish for largemouth bass etc.
Now, my wife is a carnivore. She wants to keep everything. It can get pretty serious. When we fish together in a boat, I suddenly develop a serious case of Butterfingers when I catch a fish. "Oops! Sorry honey. It just slipped out of my fingers"
A lot of punches are thrown and blood is sometimes shed out there....

I fish for sport. Flyfish for trout and bass, lure fish for largemouth bass etc.
Now, my wife is a carnivore. She wants to keep everything. It can get pretty serious. When we fish together in a boat, I suddenly develop a serious case of Butterfingers when I catch a fish. "Oops! Sorry honey. It just slipped out of my fingers"
A lot of punches are thrown and blood is sometimes shed out there....


When I used to go fishing with my friend at San Louis reservoir at Dinosaur point I would keep my striped bass and would give them to his mom when we got back to Gilroy because I didn't want to clean them but I just liked being out there fishing. I didn't use to keep them but she mentioned her son didn't share and she liked striped bass so the tradition was born.

My dad was an old school coon ass and ate everything because when he was young you either hunted/fished for food or there was no meat on the table so when I went fishing with him he would clean everything to eat I just never got into that aspect of it. Now if I could go Salmon or Ahi Tuna fishing it would be a different story...
Patiently waiting for the swells, wind and rain to pass to go get some pink...................
Pics of the pond. It has a slope around the edge that goes down to 3 feet and extends about 4 feet out and then it drops again down to a depth of around 12-15 feet. We put the slope on the edge with the shelf in case the girls managed to get to the pond before we could stop them. Not an issue now but it also makes a nice bedding area for the fish so it is still handy.


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that pond is amazing. im so jelly.

My friend and I ventured out of the bay into the ocean on Sunday. the swell was only 2ft but it was very windy, so fishing was tough. im surprised I didnt puke in the 2hrs we were out there, lol. the bay was more comfortable but still hard to fish due to the wind.

he caught 3 fish: 2 rockfish and 1 spotted bass. I caught 9: 3 calico bass, 2 small halibut, 2 mackerel, 1 spotted bass, and 1 sculpin. 2 of the calico's were barely legal (14") but we didnt keep them. the 1 sculpin got the hook through the brain, so we kept it. we should have kept the friend's larger rock fish. unfortunately, we didnt know if it was a protected species. we didnt want to risk it.

quite a few of our fish were caught on lure that we havent had any success with previously - a swimbait slug. you can see it in the pics. I love it when techniques & lures finally work out.


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It is nice when I can keep it up the downside is it took about a week of backbreaking labor to get it looking like that. I did a quick maintenance weed whack around the pond Sunday and it was a good 2 hours of swinging that thing around. The pond is about 1.5 to 1.75 acres.

I am totally jealous of you being able to ocean fish. When I lived in Cali I didn't know anyone with a open water capable boat just went to the delta once or twice and other than that is was San Luis, Anderson, Calero, Chesbro and Coyote from the shore. Also did some fishing in the old perc ponds between MH and SJ at least until I got covered in ticks one year and it took months to get rid of them at the house. Caught my biggest largemouth at those ponds but it wasn't worth the tick hassle.