Pocket Bikes: Are these Chinese knock-offs any good?

Hey, XR88cc50.

Did you even bother to read the original post? I think I stated pretty clearly why I'd buy a knock-off.

ironbeak said:
I was pretty reluctant to buy an Italian model for $1000-1500 (or more), but $475 after shipping?? That's more like it. Besides... To date, I really haven't really been amazed with Italian craftsmanship. (In relation to Japanese, anyway.)
the guys at the chevron said you can get them as low as 375 at the flea market, I guess they are flooding the market for summer. I seen them for sale at some other gas stations but didn't ask the price.

eddie you :devil you :toothless I been cleaning out my garage for the past few days killing my back moving crap around trying to make room! since the xr with my nephew I do need a silly mini for myself or are these micros. there are all kinds of big vacant parking lots and areas to run around on in the City. :)
phil I think you should race mini's with us..YSR, XR... pocket bike :tsc :cool How old is your nephew? Minura's son needs some competition.
hee hee maybe some day. I'm still a punk squid streeter that annoys his mom's neighbors from time to time. nephew is 14 but not into bikes really. but I keep trying. his little brother is my next hopeful. maybe need to get one of those electric hondas for the little guy to get him started :cool I really groove on those mini sidehack bikes too but never tried it. looks hard.
aight this is prolly an old ass thread but how fast would you guys say these go..my friend said they are faster than the $1000 stock. and he said they should go about 35mph to 40 but i dont believe em