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Post / Chat whores post here (2025)

I'm tired, drive a buddy to Santa Rosa today to look at (and end up purchasing) a DRZ to replace the one he had stolen from him. Super clean bike, maybe a little overpriced but not my place to judge. Hung out with his sister and brother in law for lunch, followed him back just once anything came up with the bike. Then I changed and hustled to the mission rec center for a workout before the closed, then drove me car to it's long term parking spot for the next week. Now it's time for a beer before dinner.
Ooh I bet driving to Santa Rosa is tiring. :laughing I've done it a bunch of times to meet older friends with them bicycles

I walked and my legs are tired now. Not as many miles as Nate walks sometimes probably, mind you

Now listening to an audio book about US history questions.. got boring but gotta do it.
Good rolling Reama!
thank you. the big difference for me is that i need very little pushing now even if i am sometimes rolling in reverse and using my leg as a turbo assist. :teeth
I'm doing a lot better. Compression socks and rest. I did a fair amount of work today around the farm and feel it. But it's nothing like it was.
i am glad you feel better. is your leg less swollen yet?
Just returned from ball throwing and a walk with Joy. So different being in an urban vs industrial vs rural environment with a dog. Leash? WTF mom?
I just resurrected one of my greatest threads. Unfortunately there’s a sticky file in General and I don’t think the thread shows.
It’s this one.

Leash? How rude!
Depends on the dog. I had beagles who needed a leash to keep them safe on a walk. They are notorious for running off and not listening to their owners commands. At home and in my yard, they were fine. But if they got out, there was no calling them back. And both were well trained.
Depends on the dog. I had beagles who needed a leash to keep them safe on a walk. They are notorious for running off and not listening to their owners commands. At home and in my yard, they were fine. But if they got out, there was no calling them back. And both were well trained.
Joy is an untrained well bread working line GSD. She’ll go 50’ tops before waiting. She will sit,stay, wait, and lay down on command but never got around on to working on leash manners.
I think all dogs should be comfortable while wearing a collar and leash. Though a harness is much better than a collar. One never knows when your dog might need to be on a leash for their own safety. Or other reasons.
Good morning! Another day at Mom’s. So ready to go home.
Joy and I will take a walk down to La Farine in a bit and pick up some almond croissants.
Good morning!
Woke up this am and finished watching the fights and getting ready to meet friends out at breakfast in a little bit.
I am walking to the local bakery. Joy and will practice leash stuff.
back from a day in LA, saw Sailor Moon Super live and it was off the hook, the audience was super in to it. Very high energy show.
Martin is right, harness much better. She was a perfect angel.
At the kitemakers conference last weekend I got comped with a wheelchair to whiz around on rather than stumping everywhere on crutches.
A complete hooptie that's turned over the clock multiple times down hospital corridors. Had "ENDOSCOPY" stenciled across the back :unsure:
It was much easier to get between classrooms, fudz and shelter in all the rain.

Finally leaned the crutches in the corner yesterday to see if two legs will be sufficient for the time being.
They seem to work ok now and not so hurty anymore. The lawn hasn't been mowed since Sept. and is turning to hay field.