San Francisco Motorcycle Club - Est. 1904

Rummage Sale fundraiser, Sunday, 8/2/15 ...


The San Francisco Motorcycle Club is having a rummage
sale, the proceeds of which we are using to
supplement our flood-damage rebuilding project ...

I'm told the cost estimates to get back into the clubhouse
are now north of $100,000 ... the good news is we started
saving years ago ...

Anyway, I'm told there will be a ton of motorcycle stuff, as
well as some of the usual San Francisco style garage-sale
treasure ... :ride

It will be held in the Woman's Building in the Mission (18th Street between
Guerro and Valencia), which is another cool old San Francisco institution,
if you've never seen it ... decorated with some of the murals the
Mission is famous for ...

see you in the city,
-- SFMCjohn
Rummage Sale now at the Woman's Building ...



There you go ... SFMC Rummage Sale Flood-Damage Fund Fundraiser! :ride

These pics taken moments ago at the Woman's Building
on 18th Street, between Guerrero and Valencia ... :party

That's today, Sunday, 8/2, until 4 pm ...
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Lanesplitters and the Oakland Motorcycle Club tonight ...

Hey BARF Vintage Cafe-ers,

And particularly you East Bay types ... :laughing

We'll be meeting up at the Lanesplitters at 48th and Telegraph at
around 6:30pm tonight for slices and beverages ... guess that's
in Oakland, and I'm pretty sure it's in the East Bay somewhere ...

Then we're heading over to the venerable OMC for some
motorcycle fellowship ... :ride The gate at the OMC should be
open by 7pm ...

Everyone is welcome, vintage bike or not ... :thumbup

see you around the campfire, :teeth
-- SFMCjohn
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SFMC AMA Gypsy Tour ...

Back before Sons of Anarchy, Easy Rider and Rodger Corman,
motorcyclists used to join local social clubs in their home towns
and go on group rides every summer ... Believe it or not
the tradition goes on ... :thumbup



We're leaving from the SFMC Clubhouse at 7:30 on Saturday morning. All motorcyclists are welcome.

Kalle Hoffman
San Francisco, CA
Wow,sorry I'm going to miss this.Have great time ,be safe!
Pismo Beach, PMC, CCMC, OMC and SFMC ...

Some pics from this weekend's Gypsy Run to Pismo ...
From Wikipedia: " A Gypsy Run is an American motorcycling term which originated
before the 1920s; a Gypsy Run is organized where groups of riders all over the country
converged on a favorite destination. The term gypsy was used because the riders
would travel long distances, often sleeping in tents around a campfire along
the way much like the Hollywood stereotype gypsies."


Kalle and Pasadena Motorcycle Club
member Todd, sporting their vintage
2010 Pismo Rally t-shirts ...


The Perfect Guest, Caroline and Mole,
enjoying sunset on the pier ...


Lisa made this cool dress from leftover
2010 Pismo Rally pendants ...


Some of the gang ... Oakland MC orange (est. 1907),
Capital City MC black (est. 1913),
Pasadena green (est. 1907),
one Maniac,
and a motley assortment of
SFMC blue and/or whatever ... :laughing


The PMC/SFMC Traveling Trophy, claimed and
taken away from
whatever club had it last ... :D


... and the moto-puppy enjoying
the parasol shade Cary and I always
pack on our bikes for desert riding
protection ...

A fun time was had by all ... maybe
forty riders in all ...
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The Perfect Guest's Ride Report

Lisa wrote a ride report about the Pismo Gypsy Tour to go with
the i pics above:

"The 2015 SFMC/AMA District 36 Gypsy Tour was a fun success with a good
turnout (40+) to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Pismo Beach
Motorcycle Classic and the 111th anniversary of the SFMC. Great weather,
clear, not cold. A bit on the warm side through parts, but no complaints

En route, we were joined by OMC. Santa Bob, who journeyed to PB on his own
the day before, spotted our group from the opposite side of the freeway on
his return ride while we were on our 20-mile 65mph police "courtesy" escort.

Members from Pasadena, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland, San Jose and
Stockton were in abundance and could be seen crossing paths all over town
with cheerful greetings. Most stayed at the temporarily towelless
unapologetic Motel 6 of the Broken Washing Machine (possibly fated to be
one of those humorous stories to go down in infamy). Others from Stockton
and San Francisco stayed at The Quality Inn of the Large Waterfall Hot Tub
and No Mishaps.

Riders, Passengers and Guests alike met up at Guiseppe's where much pasta
and meat, and drinks were enjoyed and consumed in abundance. In other news,
some wine was spilled, followed by a table mix up which could have been
handled with a bit more diplomacy by the management, with an ending of some
potential patrons heading over to Scottie's for their comestibles and

After dinner, a walk around town or perhaps along the beach and pier were
in order, along with drinks and for some, gelato or ice cream, including
one called Motor Oil, which was actually dark chocolate with Kahlua.

Later, a good number met up poolside at the Motel 6, exchanging ride,
dinner and towel stories accompanied by drinks and camaradarie. And did I
mention drinks?

During our poolside social, a ruckus erupted, the sheriff was called and an
apology extended by an outside party on the second floor. Thankful for no
serious consequences. Parties returned to respective poolside chairs for
some calming, therapeutic drinks.

In the morning, CCMC, having a long if not the longest return ride, got up
bright and early (Hello, Sunshine!) had breakfast at Huckleberry's and
headed home. Second shift, consisting of many SFMC and PMC members and
Guests, met at 9am, enjoyed good food and company and parted ways a bit
after 10am.

Kevin, Stephanie, Ben, Amad, Amber and friends got together at Penny's for
breakfast and did some enjoyable backroads and twisties on their return

Kalle, Lisa, Caroline and Mole chose Highway 1 based on temperature, and
arrived at Alice's for fuel and pulled in just as Special was riding in.
Time for hello and back on the road.

All returned safe and accounted for. Until next time, happy trails to all."

That's to Lisa, The Perfect Guest, for the write up! :ride
Pics from the early 20th century ...

Our no-end-in-sight flood renovation project
continues to drag on, and so we had a chance this
Thursday night at the Bay View Boat Club
to look through five of our oldest photo albums--that we
liberated from the indignity of their storage unit for the evening--
pics from the teens and twenties ... :ride

Turns out some of the popular places we ride today
were also popular back in the day ...


Mount Hamilton run ...


... the unpaved road up to Mt Hamilton ...


La Honda ...


... and a couple of bikes ... Mr. Burns on his Indian board-track race bike ...
he was inducted into the AMA's Hall of Fame in 1998:


... and a hill-climber from 1928 or so ...
... very cool sweater! :thumbup
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You guys so rock.

:laughing :thumbup :party

Hey Butch, your avatar pic is up on Mt. Hamilton, isn't it?
I don't recognize the brick observatory in the old
pic, I wonder if it's still up there somewhere ...
Fun to see the parking lot still unpaved ... :ride
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Any back history of the Pismo runs with the local club Pismo Owls? My dad was a club president at one time. All I have are a few club run pix and membership card that starts mid year '46 or '47 when he was released from the Army after WW11.
Any back history of the Pismo runs with the local club Pismo Owls? My dad was a club president at one time. All I have are a few club run pix and membership card that starts mid year '46 or '47 when he was released from the Army after WW11.


I looked through some of the old pics we have on
our website, and will try to remember to look for Pismo Owls
the next time I look at a scrapbook ...

I'll also ask our club historian, Brian, about the Pismo Owls ...
I think he's had a chance to read as many of our old
club meeting minutes as have survived ... maybe he'll
have somthing for you ...

Cool that you have that connection to a club that
was sure to have been on the old AMA Gypsy Tours to
Pismo Beach ... we have a few of the neat old panoramic
photos on the clubhouse walls (in storage right now due to
the flooding remodel ...)

I'll try to post here if I find anything out ... :ride
If you have digital copies of any old pics, it would be fun to see them ...
I just used my cell phone to take a pic of the pics posted
above ... pretty easy ... :thumbup
-- SFMCjohn
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