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Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus report

Too long to read. How about a short summary?
Mo money spent by government to discourage unapproved “misinformation “ .
I’m lazy and responded before looking, the first couple page’s are actually quite telling.
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Too long to read. How about a short summary?
The short summary is sort of page 1 I think.

Thanks for the link Berto. When time allows I will go beyond page 1.
I hope you are aware that this is a self-appointed and highly partisan committee, chaired by extreme M@G@ James Comer (R) KY.
In no way is this an actual government committee or a balanced non-partizan report.
The shutdowns were over the top hindsight says but it easy to forget the jam packed hospitals.

I've followed CDC recommendations and never caught Covid despite numerous trips including flights and many family and friend gatherings.
I hope you are aware that this is a self-appointed and highly partisan committee, chaired by extreme M@G@ James Comer (R) KY.
In no way is this an actual government committee or a balanced non-partizan report.
I hope you are aware that this is a self-appointed and highly partisan committee, chaired by extreme M@G@ James Comer (R) KY.
In no way is this an actual government committee or a balanced non-partizan report.
Reading this I think this will end up in the Polsink although we have allowed some political speak in this forum during the pandemic.

According the doc this dude is the chair and the goals seem like good ones.
I was referring to the "Oversight Commitee" and its self-appointed Chair and Faux News Pundit James Comer

FWIW, if the contents page alone reads like a shopping list of M@G@ disinformation and talking points, then the document is unlikely to be fair or non-partisan.

On a more factual level, my data scientist daughter was in the middle of it, working her ass off, with thousands of others, for the protection of the rest of us. She was one of the first to identify that morbidly was highly influenced by blood group, with Type A having a lot more COVID-19 receptors, and the highest risk of a fatal outcome. If this was known earlier many lives could have been saved. Sadly, by the time this was proven, M@G@ disinformation was in full effect and it was impossible to effectively use the findings.

Clearly lots of mistakes were made and some of the recommendations and guidelines were out of date before they were even issued. And don't get me started on the amount of graft and waste. But some of the purported "conclusions" in this report are outright garbage and completely divorced from the data. Not least of which is this little gem - COVID-19 was isolated in municipal sewage water samples in Spain from as early as March 2019.


There is evidence that it may have been present in Italy and other parts of Europe much earlier. So much for the Wuhan theory!!
But as has been said by others "truth is the first casualty...." or "never let a crisis go to waste"
If you can say it was leaked from a lab so can you just as easily say frozen samples analyzed after the fact were contaminated.
It's just another report by another group. Another data set for those who consider all data sets and then throw out ones they don't believe. The more we learn about Covid and the mistakes made, the better, IMO.
The shutdowns were over the top hindsight says but it easy to forget the jam packed hospitals.

I've followed CDC recommendations and never caught Covid despite numerous trips including flights and many family and friend gatherings.
Edit: I agree with you GAJ, It's weird to forget about tractor trailers full of refrigerated dead bodies. Thanks again front line healthcare workers who also died in droves.
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