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T Hill Pics I took...

Noid and KimChee
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BigOz said:
Noid and Nine I believe?

Nope. That's not me.
Could be Kimchee. He road Donoman's fizzer for a bit and he has a blue helmet.
Yoda and Baptistro

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That's Yoda breathing down my ass ;)

Oz: I'm surprised you even caught that pic, that was my one and only lap with my plastics on my bike, I ate it in the next turn ;)
i guess no 1 got pics of doc on the 636 w/ nine following? :confused

it was during the later sessions. i was following but botched my drive out of 8 and started trailing behind.
R1grrl said:
Sweet pics!!!!

Hey - who is that on the blue bike in the far left with white flames?????...and the Edwards helmet....

That's John Reyes, non BARFer ;)
Baptistro said:
That's John Reyes, non BARFer ;)

:laughing :laughing figures.... I wanted to see how the white flames looked in a photo.... of course I pic the opnly non BARFer..:laughing

...so looks like the weather was a bit suspect... how much longer did it take to get tires all warm and happy?

Damn... ya guys had a shitload of fun, didn't you?
I still have about 140 pics to go through....I'll post them up in a bit....Gotta go to lunch:teeth
BigOz said:
Nine....a little blurry


...damn...I hang off like a frickin monkey.
Ever since I almost got bucked off the seat (nasty tank slapper)coming out of 13, I try to keep the friggin thing vertical...I look like such a poseur :p
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hahha matt, you look like one of those guys that races in the sidecar!!!!