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T Hill Pics I took...

dude...wait till you see the video of us on that last session....was especially kool how you and this R1 was duking it out on turn 14-15 through the front straights!

ChopStx said:
nah I think you might have had the same problem I did...too slow comming around the track, Oz didn't want to wait that long :laughing Great pics! :thumbup After looking through them all, I want to go again!!
Thank you FirebladeRR! You are so sweet. :blush
FirebladeRR said:
Even though you and some of the other newer riders were going at slower pace, i give you all mad propz for not riding over your head...takes a lot to not give into temptation with everyone blazing around you...
After yesterday's run up to Berryessa- I think I need to do a track day now....

Oz- who did Pete jack that bike from?!?!??!?!
therok229 said:
I was following Tical for about 2 laps before the session got red flagged

Damn dude, I didnt even know we were running for a bit....next time we will have to go out for a whole session! :thumbup
JnglstTICAL said:
Damn dude, I didnt even know we were running for a bit....next time we will have to go out for a whole session! :thumbup

Mos Def! See ya at the next trackday!
Thanks Big Oz for taking so many pics and for catching me in a couple. I appreciate it as I'm sure everyone else does too!!!

As always, nice pix Ozzy!:thumbup

Next Barf Track Day...you better be ridin' the R6 rather than shootin' pix.;)
You just like 2slow in that pic. :p

p.s. That's a compliment. :shhh

nine said:
...damn...I hang off like a frickin monkey.
Ever since I almost got bucked off the seat (nasty tank slapper)coming out of 13, I try to keep the friggin thing vertical...I look like such a poseur :p
This was the bike I was looking for when the 2nd black flag/yellow came out when TSC hit the cone. Thought s/he crashed or something.

BigOz said:
Ruuhhh Rowww....Someones out of gas:p

BigOz said:
Could you have gotten ONE pic of me pre-toss? :twofinger
Great pics as always Oz! Sheyat... we can't let you ride, otherwise we'd have to pay for such great shots... ;):shhh:teeth
ambitiousone said:
This was the bike I was looking for when the 2nd black flag/yellow came out when TSC hit the cone. Thought s/he crashed or something.

Actually "Mrs Kneedrag" ran out gas just when the flag was thrown. Switching from her old 500 (Now MAXXLEAN's) to her new Kawi 600 (Thanks Hayward Kawi!) she didn't quite gauge her fuel consumption rate accurately!:laughing