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The Awesome Videos Thread!

I'm just a Boycycle

I would almost wager that most people don't like being passengers in race cars, honestly. Especially if they're going overly fast. Simply because, done right, the car is on the edge as it is, but the passenger is completely out of control.

I recall an anecdote when a friend of mine went to a Bondurant, and one of the instructors took him for a lap in, like, a Taurus. Just to demonstrate what a car can do. Scared the heck out of him.It's really different when you're driving vs hanging on for dear life.
I was up there for a track day w/a bud once in 94' (or so) on my GPz11. It was wet when we got there, & by 10-11 all the riders were starting to get loud (it was drying, slowly.)

So they asked 5 of us more experienced folk to take the cage out & dry the track. A spectator (girl) asked if she could be a passenger so I said sure. I went out & slowly ramped up to a safe pace, enjoying the wet slides especially in places like the old 8a.

The gal was bitching loudly immediately. "Why are you going so wide onto the wrong side & cutting it. WHY ARE YOU ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD?!? Drive on the right side.

I tried to explain the racing line & how it works; she would have none of it asking to be let out by the end of the 3rd lap. Sure (good riddance!) Now I could go out & have fun, & the line was drying.

My bud was following me in his hot 5.0 Mustang, & during a short break he was just amazed how he couldn't keep up w/me in my family car (93' Taurus), which had good tires & springers/some mild mods. He finally put it in the gravel trap exiting 7.

Track mostly dry now, they waved us in & said go out on your bikes & be careful. I had a great day of riding the rest of the day, & didn't really mind the moring driving the cage on Sears.

What a day. But that girl had her head up her ass...
I'm pretty sure it's already been posted in this thread but this is the best "film the passenger" video ever:

Westminster Kennel Club Agility Championship

All I knew about dog shows is what I saw in Best in Show. Until I came across this:

1.8 Billion-Pixel Mars Panorama

Here is a narrated video of the panorama:


In this version, you can manually pan and zoom as it plays (works on some but not all browsers):


Here is a page that includes a static version you can explore at your leisure. This worked better for me than the YouTube version. It also includes downloadable files: Curiosity's 1.8-Billion-Pixel Panorama.
Not sure how many people have heard of the VR video game called 'Beat Saber', but I just saw a few vids with a pretty cool song. In a strange way, it reminded me of the old video game, 'Tempest'.

Beat Saber is really fun. I haven't put enough hours in it to be anywhere near that good though.
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for aviation fans... The History of the Beaver.
