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The Doc Wong Street Riding Clinics Rides Again! - Feb 16, 2025 Sun!


Active member
May 14, 2002
One for every occasion!
Harry Wong
The Doc Wong Street Riding Clinics Rides Again! - Feb 16, 2025 Sun!


It’s amazing that for the past 30 years of doing the Doc Wong Riding Clinics with over 50,000 riders in attendance, we’ve never missed a single month!!! Then Covid came along and we had to take a break.

So now due to popular and constant demands from friends and other riders, we ride again!!

I am now more than happy to announce the restart of the Doc Wong Riding Clinics with our next one on…

Doc Wong Riding Clinic: “Smooth Riding - Awareness, Vision and the Vanishing point” Sunday, February 16 9am-2:30pm


When: Sunday, February 16, 2025! 9am-2:30pm
Where: Full Motion Chiropractic http://tinyurl.com/6vp36k3
Carlmont Shopping Center (Next to Baskin Robbins)
1021 Alameda De Las Pulgas
Belmont, CA 94002
How to register: just e-mail me at: docwong@aol.com
Cost: $0.00


I'm very excited about this month's topic! It's a key topic designed to not only improve your riding skills resulting in a better, smoother and faster rider, but to also make you a safer rider!

Go to: www.docwong.com for
--more info of my other motorcycling clinics http://www.docwong.com/st-clinc/index.htm
--Back Exercises that I recommend everyone do http://www.docwong.com/health/stretch/index.htm
--"Doc Wong Crashes" http://www.docwong.com/st-clinc/crash-1.htm
Ride street, ride track, ride dirt, trials.....ride.....well!

Doc Wong
Full Motion Chiropractic
Carlmont Shopping Center
1021 Alameda De Las Pulgas
Belmont, CA 94002

(See the new article on Doc Wong in Cycle World! - http://www.cycleworld.com/doc-wong-motorcycle-teacher-and-chiropractor-five-reasons-why)

To get the latest announcements on my Riding Clinics subscribe to the Doc-Ride Mail-list!

Email me at docwong@aol.com to subscribe to the email list.


Join the Doc Wong Riding Clinics Meetup Group go to: https://www.meetup.com/docwong/

The following description was provided by Michael Nelson nelson@seahunt.imat.com

Dr. Harry Wong, a prominent Belmont chiropractor and extremely knowledgeable sport rider, is holding a monthly series of MotorcycleRiding Clinics. These seminars are FREE, and consist of a one hour lecture followed by a three hour group ride in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains.

The Doc Wong Riding Clinics are now in it's 15th year!

PURPOSE: Enhance your riding skills, increase your enjoyment, and learn better riding survival reflexes.

TYPE OF MOTORCYCLE: If it has 2 wheels and a motor, you're invited.

SKILL LEVEL REQUIRED: The bottom line is that if you can safely negotiate the mountainous roads off Skyline Blvd, then you do have the minimum skills for the ride. Since these are not fast sport rides, any reasonably competent rider should be able to participate. We recommend that you be comfortable with your bike and knowledgeable about your(and your bike's) limitations and capabilities. If you have been riding for at least six months you've probably got the minimum level of expertise required.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: A motorcycle in good mechanical condition, helmet,gloves, heavy jacket (leather or heavy material), heavy pants, boots...in other words, sensible riding attire. If you show up in shorts, tanktop, Oakley blades and flipflops on your feet, you _may_be invited to go home. You must also have a valid motorcycle license and insurance. Full leathers are encouraged but not required. You are responsible for your own safety.

WORKSHOP FORMAT: (Each month is a different riding skills topic)

1. Meet at Doc Wong's Chiropractic oiffice in Carlmont Shopping Center at 9 AM. After signing wavers, Doc Wong gives an hour lecture on the day's riding topic. He'll also go over Riding Within Your Abilities, Group Riding, and Road Manners. You'll be asked to fill out an optional survey for riding feedback and health issues. Then we will be split up into small groups with ride leader volunteers to lead you thru the hills.


2. The Ride: You can ride at a slower pace, you don't need to feel like you have to keep up with the riders in front of you.

We'll have volunteer ride leaders leading you on the route thru the hills. Those riders will be designated to you prior to beginning theride. As volunteer riders, they are often very willing to help you inany way they can. So feel free to ask them questions on riding, the route, etc.

It's important to approach this whole thing with the right attitude.

If one of the volunteer ride leaders talks to you, it's meant to be constructive criticism and should be taken that way. After all, the purpose of the Clinics is to improve your skills.

We try to ride at a moderate pace, and we hold the speed down on the straights to allow slower riders to catch up. We stop at any intersection where we're turning off to another road and we don'tcontinue until everyone has arrived.

We'll try to make rest stops long enough so that the slower riders will get a rest, too.

From Dr. Wong's office up to Woodside Road, up Kings Mountain Road, down Tunitas Creek Road and a short stop at the San Gregorio Road. Continue on Stage Road to the town of Pescadero to Cloverdale, Gazos Creek Road to Hwy 1. Then down Hwy 1 to Davenport for lunch. After lunch, it's south on Highway 1 to Bonny Doone Road, right on Smith Grade to Empire Grade, down Jamison Creek Road to Boulder Creek, then up Hwy 9 to the corner of Hwy 9 and Skyline at the rest stop for a final meeting. After our meeting and bull session, the group breaks up and everyone is on their own. Hope you can find your way home from there!

Michael Nelson, San Francisco, CA
Special acknowledgement and thanks to:

Keith Code of California Superbike Schools for his help and guidance and support. The Doc Wong Street Riding Clinics are almost all based on his works. Get his books and tapes on the subject, read them and apply them....your riding will be much better for it! www.superbikeschool.com

In memory of Gary Jaehne for his contributions on the Suspension clinics and the motorcycle community.