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The Faith In Humanity Thread

Lol how many times is that video going to get reposted?

Wholesome tho

South Korea thanks 50 years later

Sandra Nathan was one of the first US Peace Corps volunteers to arrive in South Korea in the mid-1960s. The 21-year-old taught English to eager high school students, navigating a post-war landscape of devastation and poverty. Earlier this month she received a, "Thank you for your service" gift from South Korea’s government. Nathan tells The World’s Marco Werman what was in her COVID-19 Survival Box.
I have a neighbor who, I believe, is the essence of humanity. He inspires me on a daily basis, sometimes by my simply seeing his home across the street.

He’s an ex firefighter. And he was head of the Menlo Park Urban Search and Rescue team. He and his team have responded to disasters such as the Oklahoma bombing, the disastrous flooding in New Orleans (because of Hurricane Katrina), the Mexico earthquake, the space shuttle Columbia recovery efforts, etc., etc. And he headed up the recovery efforts at the 911 disaster. He has spent his life, more than 40 years, serving humanity in their times of need. Whether doing rescue of people or recovery of bodies when all else failed, he has served humanity all his life. Even as a neighbor, he would help others with simple tasks like putting up Christmas lights or helping with the Halloween decorations. I would see him every Christmas scurrying around on his steep roof putting up decorations. And he would train others in the skills needed for such rescue and recovery tasks.

Then, a few years back, he fell off a ladder and found himself mostly paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. He has limited use of one arm and he had to relearn how to breathe. But that didn’t stop him. He fought to maintain his position as Menlo Parks’s fire chief and continued to serve as their fire chief until he finally retired a few short years ago. I believe he was the only active duty fire fighter in the US who was also a quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair. He only retired a few years ago and now get’s around in a special van modified to accept his wheelchair. He drives it with his one working hand. Otherwise, I’ll see him in his wheelchair, pushing his garbage cans out for pickup, or using an electric leaf blower around his home. One time I saw him with a can of paint and a brush, touching up around his home. He hasn’t given up. And some of you have likely seen him being interviewed on television about this or that disaster.

To me, he is a hero. I see in him a drive to continue to help humanity, regardless of his own limitations. And I am honored to know him as a friend.
