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The Right Start

The Right Braking Skills

A thread in General tuned me in to Bret Tkacs, a riding instructor with some very good videos. Here's one on braking skill that seems to be a good fit in this thread:


The vital message for novice riders here is that you REALLY need training to be able to brake well on a motorcycle. And not just basic training. After completing the training you need to get licensed, you'll be able to stop in a somewhat shorter distance than you could by jumping off the bike and doing a Superman on the pavement in your new leathers. It is only with advanced training and consistent practice that you'll be able to stop as well as a good car can. Remember, too, that any driver can achieve that level in a car simply by mashing the pedal and relying on ABS to modulate pressure. Speaking of which, consider for your first motorcycle one equipped with ABS. Mastering the braking skill you need will be easier without the worry of overbraking and dumping the bike as you learn.

For more from Tkacs, explore his YouTube channel or visit his website.