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tips on wheelies

Re: thank u for the tip

whocares said:
jesus fuckin christ ... how much wind u got just for twisting the throttle harder than jesus would dare ...

hope u die soon bitch

Hope I see you in person soon bitch and hope even more you say the same thing to me in person.
I don't believe you have to clutch in the upshift. Give it a shot while you're not wheeling. It should work.
No clutch. If you just push up on the shifter and blip the throttle it'll go right into 2nd. It takes some practice. I can ride 1st and 2nd gear wheelies but the shift I'm just learning. I can get it all the time if I throw it up in 1st and shift right into 2nd while it's on the way up but I'm at such low rpm in 2nd that I can't carry it. If I try to ride 1st out to higher rpm I can't get the shift to work out where the front is going up as I shift so I end up losing it that way too. Just need to practice more I guess :D
ok i tried this is work for me but i need to stay up. i go past mid point but i come back down. so what do i do know to stay up. i need to cotrol my throttle better? i need to lean back or what is it i need to stay balence?

remember be safe..
just fyi to all wheelie wannabe's

I kept doing 1st gear wheelies and about 3 months after I got my bike, my timing chain busted a hole in my engine case (says my mechanic), which means I have to buy a whole new engine. I haven't rode in about 3 months now and I have been going crazy for a ride like a crack head. so if your wanna do wheelies buy a strong preformance timeing chain. or learn to do 2nd ear wheelies fast!
putting my left foot on my passenger peg let me do standups.... i could never do them until i did that, now they are easy as hell!
back brake

I'm sure alot of us can add to this string about a wheelie or wheelies gone bad.
When I was on my ass and watching my R1 burn, I wished I used the back brake. Now I keep my foot very close so that I can hit it if needed. Anyone see Biaggi doing the sickest wheelie on FasterMovie? Only way he brought the bugger down was hit his back brake.
im 220 lbs. there is no way my bike will power itself up. i gotta clutch it in 1st. no other gear will even think of coming up.
immortal said:
putting my left foot on my passenger peg let me do standups.... i could never do them until i did that, now they are easy as hell!
i always wanted to attept it that way, but no balls. i can click up 2 & 3 rd with no clutch. it is the timing when you click up on the shifter & back off the throttle just a smidget & back on the throttle again. hope it helps. always cover your rear brake! no if's, and's or its your butts!
Triple Seven said:
im 220 lbs. there is no way my bike will power itself up. i gotta clutch it in 1st. no other gear will even think of coming up.


dude have you even riden a YZF600R?? it's not a R6. it doesnt come up as easy as you think. it's a heavy sportbike.

i will however try sitting farther back and will post some results tomorrow. :D