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What's Luck Go To Do With It?

Thank you, DD. I see your point better now. :cool
Luck is out there. Never try to calculate it, never depend on it.
Dude was from India, lived in a suburb of New Delhi, and the impact point was 6" in on the right side of the bumper. :x
Walked? Shit, I rode my totaled bike another 17 miles in rush hour traffic with a concussion. :x

Not the smartest thing to do, but I was concussed and didn't know it was a bad idea at the time.

Never even crossed my mind to contact Connie and ask for a Roadside Angel to help me.
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I just remembered this incident that happened to my mentor quite a few years back. Good rider, had been riding for around 35 years at that time. Before this incident, he had a couple of low sides and a few bruises as a result.

He was riding (highway 24 east I believe) and past the tunnel as he was coming down the corner on his new (around 600 mile) Vstrom 650, a highway sign (like those "Speed Limit" signs) came loose and hit him.

According to CHP (and witnesses?), he was not speeding at that time. CHP said he was very lucky, the sign broke the windshield on his Vstrom, helmet and kilimanjaro jacket took brunt of the impact. Vstrom total loss.

He is always ATTGAT. He told me that if he wasn't, sign would have probably cut a jugular or something. I still remember when I met him a couple of weeks later: "Bart, I was riding down the freeway and the next thing I remember is bright lights in the hospital". He suffered a concussion and a couple of bruises, nothing broken. He did start riding after the accident, when he was well enough.

But damn, everytime I think about it (I do before every ride), I wonder: how could I even prepare for something like that (except being ATTGAT and cautious every moment on the bike)?

Ride safe all.
I'd like to revive this thread. New developments have occurred. I've stated on BARF that I'm an "out of the closet telepath". But like most, I have little training or no training, but I actually have some training. I'm a republican conservative and libertarian. I'm totally into state rights. However I must point out that some one or some thing has gripped our Federal Government. The press points out about 30 top republicans "getting out" under Trump, but history points to a larger picture. Under Pres. Obama, the democrats lost 950 seats at the state and federal level and he fired about 200 top Generals over 8 years.

Something is happening. I'll pose this weird question..."do you feel like your life is weird or changed since about 2010?" There more to this question then most want to know...

Perhaps the "swamp" is real. Perhaps something more or different is real.

What we need is a candidate that takes on Trump at another level for 2020, which I suggest is telepathic. It appears all other attempts have failed. His twitter wont work at the telepathic level. It will require some one that can talk to thousands and not be seen on TV. It will be word of mouth. It will be a new new way to run...since Trumps new way fantastic victory...it was fantastic...

Now to riding. I'll reveal some more jedi stuff...

Telepathy is not you doing something, but rather you sensing your body. Your body is an antenna, and when you sense a reaction in your body (while riding) then slow, look, and cover your brake. It means something COULD be around the corner. Don't try to sense whats around the corner, just listen to your antenna or body. I've found it to be correct 40-50% of the time and totally turned off 10% of the time...which means I enter a blind corner and had no idea some was there. Wear gear, add armor especially where your elbows touch your ribs. Most manufacturers miss that armor placement...stupid...I ride "fly" by instrument. MIND YOU MOST TEACHERS DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS. I completely disagree with them. As I approach a known corner, I know the speed I should enter it at and then check my speedo and adjust as needed. It seems to have worked for 200k miles. Again, most do not recommend this but I do.
A little real worldism about the "armor where your elbows touch your ribs". I lost my spleen in a 10mph front end low side because by elbow punched my spleen causing a blood blister on it that was bleedly internally. I was wearing a leather jacket also.

Never have your brakes on going over a lane reflector which was what happened.

The riding position of the bike also was a factor.

A 10mph low side.........

I was on road yesterday I don't ride much and I was using everything mentioned in the post.....funny, I seldom ride fast on a road I don't know and can't see far enough ahead.

Knowing a road like the back of your hand is not always a good thing.....real easy to get to forget it's a public road......

If I know the road.......checking gauges isn't needed.......I know the road.......but yesterday I was checking my speedo before a turn cause I didn't know the road. I'm building a database for that road.

I check my speed, gauge how the turn looks from what I can see plus feel about the road and adjust from there.
Keep the political talk out of here please. There's, like, a whole forum for that, Mark. Hopefully your telepathic powers will clue you in on that before I need to next time.
I I'm a republican conservative and libertarian.

I cant take you seriously. :laughing:laughing:laughing:laughing:rofl

No such thing as a republican - libertarian. Any real Libertarian would think of punching you in the face, but then would realize that violates the NAP and walk away.