Who wants to go in on buying Willow Springs International Raceway?

guess im old and still havent followed nobody on youtube, and dunno who that chica is, she should buy it and seriously do some coachella bottlerock burning man concert venue once a year on it to generate revenue
Someone well connected on the WERA forum says the asking price is $85M. Oooof. IMO, they are just fishing and don’t actually want to sell.

They won't give a price before filling out a questionnaire on use/ needs/ etc. It's a rope-a-dope on pricing. I don't think they know what to price it at. My broker's been working on it a few days and still can't get an answer of even an estimate, for his own curiosity. Certainly won't sell on a cap rate...On a $/acre, it's likely in the $6-8M range, IME. Facilities are in need of update/ repair and the use(s) are limited this far. Plus, it's not like there's not plenty of land in the area....
Berto, team up with Emelia? She's no dummy and I imagine her behind the scenes behavior is rational and measured.
Be an interesting teaming, thanks G. I'll send her a note, but I'm not sure there's going to be reality to the pricing for a bit, until no one bites. Also, knowing what I do about the facility and what's needed...I suspect they want to take the gain out of the deal for the buyer anyway. When I read about the "opportunities" with the property, all I could think is "solar and wind farm that fucker and use the depreciation and tax breaks then figure it out". The problem: I don't know enough and wind and solar....but do about tracks, costs, and participants. They all are a hassle! I"m sure she's got some good advice around her...I hope.
Well, another update: Talked to a guy in the collector world through selling a bike to his client. They're putting funds together to turn willow into a driving club type thing. That probably includes bikes and lots of $$. I wish them well, but there's a lot of DD to do IMO. I still suspect a selling price in the 7 figures and not 8 figures. WS's monetization won't make sense so funds will need to come from wealthy individuals who aren't expecting any sort of ROI in the short or medium run.