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Who's the face behind the screen name?

Not too many photos of me since I'm usually the photographer. So most of my photos are scuba photos 'cuz we have a number of photographers in our group.

Here's a topside photo from Belize:


And an u/w one from Big Sur:

LS1Bandit said:
Not too many photos of me since I'm usually the photographer. So most of my photos are scuba photos 'cuz we have a number of photographers in our group.

Here's a topside photo from Belize:


And an u/w one from Big Sur:


Cool pic from big sur. What is that THING floating around you??
twitchmonitor said:
Cool pic from big sur. What is that THING floating around you??
It's called a salp chain. It's actually a chain of individual organisms linked together. If you're curious, there's a video of me with a different salp chain, which also has some closeups of the individual salps. It was one of the longest chains I've ever seen - at least 30' long.

ahah dude...i thought those were jelly fish...im like...WTF?!

Wow. Cool video. Is that a mouth on those things? That shit is like Deep Star 6. Or is is The Abyss I'm thinking of? Or possibly Sphere. All those underwater movies are just blending into one in my head.
Thats really cool.. I did at first too, Mike T.. cept there are no tentacles. I got to swim in a pond FULL of jellyfish (with no sting!) in Palau. Great diving! and great pics Bandit.
sweet jeebus....you are mighty brave motorcyclegrin
Nah, like I said, they lost all of their sting-ability.. just a little shock... kinda cool. They were pink and electric blue on the inside. HUGE ones and little ones. Stupid tourists were picking them up out of the water and throwing them at eachother, which kills them from the pressure. We put the kaibash on that really quick.
:wow crazy shite....i'd warn them to NOT do that before letting them folks in....
Sorry OP for the thread-jacking that's going on.
motorcyclegrin said:
I got to swim in a pond FULL of jellyfish (with no sting!) in Palau. Great diving!
Sounds like Jellyfish Lake (creative name, eh?). I did that too. Here's a photo from that 'dive' (we were free-diving, not scuba diving). Sorry for the lower-res, it's actually a still-frame from the video (video's not online right now):


Now this is a *real* jellyfish. This is me looking at an egg yolk jelly:


I had one dive where I had to swim through a field of jellies as thick as the one in jellyfish lake, but they were brown jellies, which *do* sting. For the most part I was OK because the only exposed skin I had was my face. But at one point it was clear that one was going to hit my face, so I put my hand over my face to protect it. What I didn't realize was that I scooped one up in my hand as I brought it up to my face and thus took one and smashed it right into my face. Ouch!

twitchmonitor said:
Is that a mouth on those things?

Insomuch as you might say that a salp has a mouth, then yes I guess you can say it's a mouth. :) The open/close and contraction pushes water through their bodies, which provides both propulsion and it's how they get the plankton in them to eat. They're actually a pretty interesting species because they're often studied as the 'starting point' for where vertebrates evolved from since they have preliminary vertebrate forms and one of the first instances of a nervous system.

it was tough to find pictures of just me, so you'll have to look at the following pics of me&some body else and figure it out.

Here's me and some messican, at a gaRy bar?


Me an my dad


Me and my (Princess) Bitch


Oh hey here's one of just me


sorry no Gun shots.