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World swimming bans transgender women from competing

Wonder if the people complaining so much about transgenders have ever even seen one in real life in their entire lives. Doubt it. It's just another boogeyman drummed up by a certain party who wants your vote so they can proceed with their REAL goals, which are to destroy government and replace it with "free market" control, thereby eliminating regulations, eliminating protection from financial scams, and harming the environment in the pursuit of more profit.
They probably have and just didn't know it. A bartender and friend at my go-to spot in Sacramento when I lived there was trans. I didn't know til maybe a year after knowing her.

Often times guys would hit on her. I'd just be sitting there drinking my beer watching [insert sports game] and observing what was happening thinking "I don't think you know what you're doing here." :laughing Honestly, I don't even remember how the conversation of her being trans even happened. I didn't ask. I think it was just part of a natural conversation and that fact just happened to be relevant.

I kinda chalked it up in a category of some instances of gay friends that chose me to be the first to come out to because I didn't care. What I mean by that is being trans, cis, straight, gay, or anything else was not the foundation of our friendship. Yes, these identities are very important but they are my friends because they are good people.
It's more complex than that. Every word has had a difficult transition for years/decades when the definition changed. Even queer hasn't fully transitioned. There was a period when black was too coarse and African-American was pushed as the replacement, though black seems to have rolled back a bit into being acceptable, but here we sit and I honestly don't even know if black is fully okay. I agree with fuck them in particular, but not as a blanket rule.
There's a whole lot to unpack there I think would be better for a separate thread.

But since you brought it up, I will bring this to the table at the next Zoom meeting of all world congregations of black people and get back to you. Give me a few days.

Also, I will answer a question you are thinking to ask. Yes, we do have secret decoder rings and secret handshakes. Yes, handshakes, plural just like Star Wars. "It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."
There's a whole lot to unpack there I think would be better for a separate thread.

But since you brought it up, I will bring this to the table at the next Zoom meeting of all world congregations of black people and get back to you. Give me a few days.

Also, I will answer a question you are thinking to ask. Yes, we do have secret decoder rings and secret handshakes. Yes, handshakes, plural just like Star Wars. "It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."
Does Jesse Jackson preside, being emperor all black people and all?
Does Jesse Jackson preside, being emperor all black people and all?
Come on, man. You know I can't tell you that. Generally, Tupac has final say on what we can and cannot share.

Yeah he's still alive but I think a lot of people did their homework and figured that one out. Reddit is powerful. We didn't put that information out there. No point denying it.
I guess I don't get the presumption that there's any organization to the acceptability of words. I know how "thug" is thought of, even thought the meeting minutes are nowhere to be found.
I guess I don't get the presumption that there's any organization to the acceptability of words. I know how "thug" is thought of, even thought the meeting minutes are nowhere to be found.
We could make a whole thread on that.

Not to derail this thread more than I already have. Since it was mentioned earlier about the N-word and distinction of the "hard R".

To me, it's the same word. Yes I understand colloquialisms evolve and the difference between both versions of the word is common but again just for me, it's the same word.

The prime reason anyone started saying nigga is because it was slang/accent. They pronounced it the same as dinna, or suppa, or betta, centa, motha, brotha, sista, fatha, [insert any word ending with -er]

Again yes I understand words evolve but what I do not like is people saying nigga thinking because they didn't say nigger makes it alright. Intent matters and usually someone's intent is not hard to read. I say a lot of offensive things often but it's around friends who know my character, intent, and can give it as good as they can take it, not in earshot of anyone who might take offense because they don't know us.

So, all that said. If someone I don't know says nigga, I assume they're trying to get away with saying nigger because well... That's what society has taught them. If I don't know you, I assume what you say is what you meant/intended.
We could make a whole thread on that.

Not to derail this thread more than I already have. Since it was mentioned earlier about the N-word and distinction of the "hard R".

To me, it's the same word. Yes I understand colloquialisms evolve and the difference between both versions of the word is common but again just for me, it's the same word.

The prime reason anyone started saying nigga is because it was slang/accent. They pronounced it the same as dinna, or suppa, or betta, centa, motha, brotha, sista, fatha, [insert any word ending with -er]

Again yes I understand words evolve but what I do not like is people saying nigga thinking because they didn't say nigger makes it alright. Intent matters and usually someone's intent is not hard to read. I say a lot of offensive things often but it's around friends who know my character, intent, and can give it as good as they can take it, not in earshot of anyone who might take offense because they don't know us.

So, all that said. If someone I don't know says nigga, I assume they're trying to get away with saying nigger because well... That's what society has taught them. If I don't know you, I assume what you say is what you meant/intended.
I think the intent behind usage of the n-word variants is probably better established and I'm assuming you're not holding fast to your rule regardless of environmental context and are thinking more "randomly out in the world" kind of thing, which that doesn't seem like an unreasonable default perspective. My comment to cheez was more about the usage of him/her to people that still don't know the modern definition of gender, it may not carry the same intent as the dildos from that youtube channel. And as an example, there was a time where "black" was a hair tacky and the preferred replacement was African-American. Maybe the 2000's? It seems to have been dialed back a bit from that, but the point is, you can use the wrong word when society hasn't fully determined what's-what and you can do it with decent intent and that situation isn't worthy of "fuck them for their bigotry".
Generally it is. It might be learned ignorance but it’s ignorance nevertheless.

I had a black friend of mine who was an engineer. You would never hear him or his wife or children mispronounce words. If he ever used the word nigger, he pronounced it correctly without any of the getto speak one hears so often.

Just because people mispronounce words doesn’t mean they are correct.
Generally it is. It might be learned ignorance but it’s ignorance nevertheless.

I had a black friend of mine who was an engineer. You would never hear him or his wife or children mispronounce words. If he ever used the word nigger, he pronounced it correctly without any of the getto speak one hears so often.

Just because people mispronounce words doesn’t mean they are correct.
You're speaking past what I said. The word developed from common accent/slang. People from all parts of America have some distinctive accents. People born and raised in New York speak differently than than people born and raised in Nahlins, Louisiana. Not to mention foreign countries

That is the way they speak. It's not ignorance.

Also pro-tip, don't preface any point you're trying to make with "I have a black friend." 9 times out of 10, it's usually followed by a statement that is tone-deaf.
We could make a whole thread on that.

Not to derail this thread more than I already have. Since it was mentioned earlier about the N-word and distinction of the "hard R".

To me, it's the same word. Yes I understand colloquialisms evolve and the difference between both versions of the word is common but again just for me, it's the same word.

The prime reason anyone started saying nigga is because it was slang/accent. They pronounced it the same as dinna, or suppa, or betta, centa, motha, brotha, sista, fatha, [insert any word ending with -er]

Again yes I understand words evolve but what I do not like is people saying nigga thinking because they didn't say nigger makes it alright. Intent matters and usually someone's intent is not hard to read. I say a lot of offensive things often but it's around friends who know my character, intent, and can give it as good as they can take it, not in earshot of anyone who might take offense because they don't know us.

So, all that said. If someone I don't know says nigga, I assume they're trying to get away with saying nigger because well... That's what society has taught them. If I don't know you, I assume what you say is what you meant/intended.
my sister’s 5 year old son missed all the balls at his at bat during t-ball. kid threw down his bat and screamed ‘F ME!’ at the top of his lungs. he may have just as well yelled ‘fuck me’. the crowd was NOT pleased. lotta parents grabbing their kids and putting their hands over their ears. lotta angry stares directed at my sister.
Just an observation. . . . .people who speak correctly, without using slurs, slang or popular idiom are able to also use slurs, slang and idiom when desired.

While the opposite is most often not true.

One rider in our group had his doctorate in mechanical engineering but at the coffee stop you couldn't spot him from his grammar and usage. However, none of our group would be able to hang with his work crowd when they are discussing the parameters of new problems.

Then there's me. A fan of historical novels. My profanity from the eighteenth century is obscure enough, yet raunchy enough, to be both insulting and puzzling at the same time.

Words is words, is all. Someone named 'Quim-by' used to sell toilet paper, right? That one slid right by the censors and made me roar. I swear, English teachers are doing a disservice by not showing Shakespeare in all his double entendres glory.

Old Bill could have a field day with our present cultural icons.
Ah...Shakespeare had a hidden silver tongue. Country matters-n-all!