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WTF Is With All These School Shootings?

There have always been sick fucks in the world and in the US. What has changed is the ability of the media to immediately spread the news. And with that, to give the sick fucks not only ideas, but also the knowledge that they will be "famous."

Remember, there are thousand of molestations and murders every year that are not only not solved, in many cases they are not recognized. The school crimes just happen to be highly visible. In Oakland there will be another 30 murders this year. A good part of them will not be solved. Many of them will be innocent bystanders.
gar1013 said:
Private school isn't the answer. The answer is to find the right community to live in. You won't be able to pull that off for less than $800k in CA though.


I don't hear anyone complaining about the quality of public education in Cupertino.
afm199 said:
There have always been sick fucks in the world and in the US. What has changed is the ability of the media to immediately spread the news. And with that, to give the sick fucks not only ideas, but also the knowledge that they will be "famous."

I hope we develop a way to identify which people are the sick fucks so we can deal with them before they do anything like this. :mad
gar1013[/i] [B]Private school isn't the answer. The answer is to find the right community to live in. You won't be able to pull that off for less than $800k in CA though.[/B] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VeloceMoto said:

I don't hear anyone complaining about the quality of public education in Cupertino.

Noone complained about the quality of public education in Littleton, CO, either...

A good place to live and raise a family is not immunity from this particular form of violence... in fact, you're more likely to see it there.

I forget what comedian said it, but they said something along the lines of... "you never see some crazy dude walk in and shoot up a school in the ghetto... cause all the kids there have guns and would take the fucker out."
(I swear it was funny when he said it :cry )
yella600rr said:
I hope we develop a way to identify which people are the sick fucks so we can deal with them before they do anything like this. :mad

we have...its called the US postal service human resources department.
Shotline said:
This is classic. Take a tragety that nobody had any control over and turn it into a political attack on Bush.

Some things just don't change. And, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Dude, don't you think it's funny that he's calling a conference to see what the Feds can do about school shootings? It's not a political attack on Bush, it's a :rolleyes at the rediculousness of it.

Take this quote:

"The president is deeply saddened and troubled by the recent school violence and shootings that have taken place in different communities across America," Perino said. "It breaks America's collective heart when innocent children who are at school to learn are violently taken hostage and cut down in their own schools."

I bet the speechwriters spent some time word-crafting that one!
Joebar4000 said:
Say what? Where are you getting your info man? Holy shit.

I'd say schools are far more open in the UK than here, but that was just my experience when I lived there...:laughing :laughing

Things have changed in the last few years, how long has it been since you've lived there and were you living in a city?
Shotline said:
This is classic. Take a tragety that nobody had any control over and turn it into a political attack on Bush.

Some things just don't change. And, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Yeah, whatever- what would you do?

Bush is so fucking out of touch with what he is in charge of protecting, it's beyond scary. Those cocksuckers in Washington are THE FIRST ONES who go into their little fortified bunkers in case someone attacks us. They could give two fucks for us.

Bush flew in Air Force One over New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and said "Golly gee, it sure does look bad down there."

He then turned his incompetent boob squad loose on the situation to get the fingerpointing started. Meanwhile, people were drowning and dying on the ground. Our government is so big and bloated with self importance, it can't get out of its' own way.
Bush is so fucking out of touch with what he is in charge of protecting, it's beyond scary. Those cocksuckers in Washington are THE FIRST ONES who go into their little fortified bunkers in case someone attacks us. They could give two fucks for us.

What about Clinton? They sent Chelsea to Sidwell Friends, rather than put her in the DC public school

Sidwell Friends has quite a lovely campus, and is located in an area that is technically DC, but looks nothing like the rest of DC.

So don't pin this on Bush.... pin it on ALL of them, which would include people who are from every state in the union.
954Rider said:
Problem is there's too many of us white hicks living in this country that live off of this shit. We need to open our borders to those Mexicans who know how to live a more carefree lifestyle.

I am one of those white hicks you speak of. It has nothing to do with one race or another causing the "problems" here in America. We are all to blame in one way or another. Every race that I can think of has a group within that do unseakable things to others. Mexicans have thier problems too. Flooding the country with one race or another will just change the type of attrocities that happen. Whites seem to have the Psycho killer thing down pretty good though, I'm ashamed to say.:( All other races seem to be more into the gang thing. Those people to unspeakable things too it's just since they happen in the late night streets and in back alleys, you just don't here about them so much. Did'nt that black kid shot 4 teenagers while they sat in there car in New Orleans?
It seems to me that alot of these psycho people that go on shooting sprees have had personal trauma in the past. This guy with the Amish molested someone previously, so why are'nt we keeping extremely close watch on all the people that fit this profile? There sex offenders so they should have to register where they live. And like a Paroled convict, should'nt they have to meet with a counselor regularly? This is one idea that I think would help. Help those that need help and WATCH them very closely. Maybe even random searches of their houses for firearms!

Just a thought. I'm no politician and have no legal background so don't take my word as truth, just a BARFers opinion.