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Yay for being DINKs!


Apr 29, 2008
Somewhat Appalachian
Goldilocks & The Smurf

I really think there can be a interesting philosophical discussion about the pros and cons about not having children. While this video is humorous, it does address many of the issues that I've dealt with for years. Including being called selfish for not having kids. :wtf
What a hell is a reasoning behind that?

Hell if I know! Apparently, according to this person that said that to me, "in their day"...:rolleyes...you had a family because it was the right thing to do. Make a new generation to carry on the family name. :|
But who will take care of us when we are old? Wife and I in the same boat.

Waiting for the nieces and nephews to start treating us real nice in anticipation of being added to the will. Won't they be suprised when we leave everything to the dogs and cat?
I'm probably going to sound like an asshole here, but just because my parents made the decision to have and raise children (well, my father did the raising part but that's another story...) doesn't mean that I have to feel obligated to play caregiver once they're too old to care for themselves anymore. I would rather pay someone to do that. Someone that is more qualified to do it and frankly has an interest in doing it. I have no interest in being a caregiver for my parents whatsoever.
^^i feel you on that one there!!! that said, i hope my kids love me enough at the end to care enough to help me into a home or take care of me in some way!

had i not met my wife, i would not have kids now and most likely would not have any at all, ever! the reason is that, i don't want to be 100 years older than my kids when they graduate high scholl/college. hell, 30 years is plenty old enough, and even a little too old if you ask me.

still glad i didn't have any sooner!
I have a family, and no kids. There are plenty of neices and nephews.
Jason, just enjoy fucking like rabbits. :teeth
The wife and I are both on the fence about kids too. There is a lot we won't to do travel wise and we can't with kids. Plus it will cut into my toy budget :x
My dad already has health coverage for that. My mother is going to work until she's dead (didn't plan for retirement) so it is what it is.
I'm probably going to sound like an asshole here, but just because my parents made the decision to have and raise children (well, my father did the raising part but that's another story...) doesn't mean that I have to feel obligated to play caregiver once they're too old to care for themselves anymore. I would rather pay someone to do that. Someone that is more qualified to do it and frankly has an interest in doing it. I have no interest in being a caregiver for my parents whatsoever.

I think its important/ones own responsibility to save for oldage and caretaking instead of funeral stuff. That said there is some dubious morality to not caring for elders when the time comes...
Im going to be the cheapest possible when i shove off.:p
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I think its important/ones own responsibility to save for oldage and caretaking instead of funeral stuff. That said there is some dubious morality to not caring for elders when the time comes...
Im going to be the cheapest possible when i shove off.:p

Bla, bla. Wife and I are going to adopt Adam and then he will be stuck with us. His morals will not allow him to chuck me on the nearest ice flow when I start going downhill.
As the father of a 6 month old, you're god damn right this bastard is going to take care of me :laughing I'm going to wake him up four times a night just for the hell of it