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Yay for being DINKs!

no, no, no, NO! you don't shit in his bed:thumbdown

you shit in his hand:thumbup careful when cleaning after poopies! they aren't always done when you think they are:teeth
no, no, no, NO! you don't shit in his bed:thumbdown

you shit in his hand:thumbup careful when cleaning after poopies! they aren't always done when you think they are:teeth

Diapers weren't that bad, but once I got done with that stuff, I ain't ever going back.
But who will take care of us when we are old? Wife and I in the same boat.

Apparently You haven't heard of all the cases of a kid or kids, murdering their parents?

There was a TV series called behind Mansion walls (I think), and it was pretty common.
Over bearing, control freak, mega rich parents...kids couldn't take it....try to stage the scene like robbery gone bad,
so they could inherit all the wealth...
Almost as common as wife knows the husband is going to divorce her...she says, and get half?
No way, stage the killing, and get it all.
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my sisters and I took care of my dad the last months of his life and, to me, it was the least I could do. I was proud of myself and my sisters for stepping up when the time came. He didn't ask us to, but he was happy that we did. He would say "you really don't have to be here" and I'd reply "this is how you raised us and I'm more than willing to help you in your time of need." I believe he was proud of us.

I do not expect my kids to do the same for me. But I would be grateful if they did. I would prefer to spend my last days with people I love.

people who have kids or don't, shouldn't feel the need to bash each other. When I hear it from either side, it sounds more like making excuses stemming from deep-down regret to me.

hopefully you have that choice to make...not everyone does. if you do: make it with a clear conscience and be satisfied with your decision. Have a great life and don't look back.
people who have kids or don't, shouldn't feel the need to bash each other. When I hear it from either side, it sounds more like making excuses stemming from deep-down regret to me.

hopefully you have that choice to make...not everyone does. if you do: make it with a clear conscience and be satisfied with your decision. Have a great life and don't look back.

This. I am truthfully not sure which side of the fence I fall on. Currently no kids, but I am not ruling it out. I think the video, while humorous, actually does a good job of being pretty upfront about the choice from both sides. :laughing
Zombie thread! As we age this stuff becomes more poignant… there are similar threads and I will merge them if they get pointed out.

You guys so rock.
Never saw this thread and I haven’t watched the video. My decision to not have children was based, primarily, on two things. First, my wife wasn’t that into kids. She was already 38 years old. Second, I figured I already had my kids. I am the oldest of 12 children and growing up I changed more diapers and fed more messy faces and did more child rearing than I care to think about. So I had a vasectomy just before we married. Sometimes I think about what it would have been like, but I don’t miss having kids.

Now if I had stayed with my first wife, I might have had one or two children but since she turned out to be a faithless slut, that didn’t happen either.