Yellowjacket down shirt

Had the same thing happen at Berryessa last week. It blew in under my chin and sat inside my visor enjoying the view for a few minutes while I slowed down, stopped and opened the visor to let it out. I didn't want to open the visor and risk blowing it into my face while moving.

That sort of clear thought process at speed with a wasp in your helmet explains the first part of your username pretty well I'd say.
Had a couple get down my jacket, one little prick got in my helmet somehow, and lots of "drive-by" stingings on my neck.

Part of the "charm"
It happens, rarely, but you'll most likely experience it again......
I am not sure if I have ever been stung. I have had bugs in my helmet, etcetera, a couple of times. I actually think it is so rare that not happening again is more likely. More useless 2 cents from yours truly.
Ouch! Yes wasp, yellow jackets and hornets are assholes! See chart below...
Why, oh why, do we call those little faux bees, "meat bees"? Stupid. They are most certainly a yellow wasp thing. And aggressive as hell!
I had five bee stings in one year when I rode a yellow Ducati. I'm sure the color had nothing to do with it. :laughing.
The now world famous bee swarm in T-11 at Laguna taught me to be prepared.
I don't live in the real world, so could you provide a link or more information about this incident. Thanks.
According to the map, California has it much better with bees and wasps than the states to the north.


A few more interesting stats from the same website ( )



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Southbound Skyline today 2 miles from 9 a bug hit my neck. Thinking it hit and fell or flew away. Wrong. A minute later I feel something on my chin. I figure I'll smash the helmet invader between my chin and helmet guard. Instant regret... familiar sting. Martha Fokker!
Hard brake, pull to side of road, shut bike off, rip 4 glove Velcro straps, peel off gloves, undo chin strap, take glasses off, take helmet off - a comedic procedure to do fast. Saw the little guy fall to the ground still very much alive as it was trying to run while on its back guess I injured it enough to stop it from flying. Put it out of its misery with a pebble. I am on a roll with my 4th sting in 2 months. By the looks of the swelling i am more allergic to yellow jackets than wasps.


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I was stung today on my throat. Don't know what it was but lasted no more than 30-40 minutes. Guess I'm not allergic :party
Got hit on the right side of my neck this morning riding Mines south from Livermore. Was following my friend and his Pirellis were flinging a lot of rocks so at first I thought it was a rock that hit me but then it started to burn. I pulled over after a half mile or so to see what was up. Started to swell a bit. This is the third time now. Maybe I should invest in some sort of cover. Anyway I bought megamillions and powerball tickets today so I guess with my luck that was a total waste of money apart from already statistically being a waste of money.
zombie thread revival, thanks search bot.

Took a wasp sting to the upper chest thru my slightly open jacket lapel, while on a short ride today. lil f’er fell out of my shirt once I got home. not really a yellow jacket and not a honey bee.


sometimes you are the helmet visor, sometimes you are the pincussion

anyone else suffer the same fate?
If it were a wasp I wouldn't care as much
You would care if it was a wasp. They are worse than a bee because a wasp can sting you many times compared to a bee which can only sting you once.

To answer the question, no I never wore bee or wasp protection. And I’ve been stung several times through the years. The worst was a wasp that crawled into my helmet while I was in a local store. It crawled in one of the vents over my forehead and took up residence there. I then came out from the store and put my helmet on. It immediately began to sting me. Multiple times. I immediately removed my helmet (very quickly I might add) and saw a piece of a wasp fall out of my helmet. I swore at it and after I couldn’t find the rest of the beast, I put my helmet back on and took off.

About a half block later, the fucker was stinging me again. You’ve never seen anyone pull over so fast and rip their helmet off.

I looked inside for the remainder of the creature and found nothing. But I continued to search for it and finally found him by peeling back the liner that covered one of the vent holes over my forehead. I found his headless body madly thrusting his stinger in the direction of my forehead. I swore some more and dumped his remains on the street.

By this time I had a swelling on my forehead nearly the size of a small egg. I swore some more, rubbing the swelling, put my helmet back on and continued with my ride along with some more swearing.

You haven’t become a true rider until you’ve been stung a few times.
Last year I got nailed in the lower half of my neck because I didn’t have my jacket completely closed while riding through the Central Valley
I didn’t find the body of the offending insect or its stinger but it was painful
I’ve been stung multiple times over the years on the neck, chest, and stomach. One time I had a honey bee buzzing around in my helmet while on the track at Buttonwillow! Luckily I was able to safely pull off the track at the Sunset turn and take off my helmet without getting stung…
Years ago I was cycling along in Durango on a beautiful sunny afternoon. I saw something heading my way and next thing I know a decent sized bug is in my mouth, I pursed my lips to spit it out instinctively and the bastard latched onto my lower lip and stung the crap out of it. I managed to swat it off and come to stop without incident. By the time I got home I had one heck of a fat lip.

On my Ducati a few years ago I was cruising with the visor up on a residential section of Alhambra Valley Road, felt a bug get into the helmet but didn't think anything of it, figured I was going fast enough it was dead. A while later I'm enjoying a brisk pace when the no longer dazed bee starts wandering along the base of my visor. Got myself pulled over rather quickly, gingerly took off my helmet and managed to drop the bee off on a tree branch.

Most recently I was riding in some rather hot weather down south and thus had my jacket unzipped around the next. Felt something sting around my ribs, right below my left pectoral, gave a quick smack and figured that was that. Got two more sharp stings and proceeded to punch myself in the chest a few times, never did find the offending bugger, but I had a solid welt for a week or so afterwards.
Last summer on three different occasionsI I got stung on a finger. Each time was stripping a chicken carcass/feeding the cat:
FInger stings affect a lot of nerve endings,
Sting first five minutes hurts a lot. // the next five minutes the pain is half as much. The next five its half again; then the swelling it varies. one time Swelling was all three knuckles in length and tight red skin for 24 hours.
Three stings out of Multi dozens times stripping chicken carcass’s
… that’s all i’ll say to that.
I’ve been stung 3 times throughout the years riding. Once on my thigh back in the day when I wore Levi’s on the bike. Felt a sting and looked down and it was stuck in my leg,swatted it off. Got home and had a silver dollar size welt on the top of my thigh.
Got hit in the eyebrow when I opened my visor while riding once,I was even wearing sunglasses.
Looked like a cro magnon man after that one.
Last time was 20 years ago in the Central Valley near Los Banos coming home from a long weekend with the wife, it was very warm and I unzipped my jacket half way. It got me right next to the adams apple.
Worst part when I pulled over at a circle K to ice my neck I got 11 mosquito bites in no time(they love me)
Wife didn’t even get one.
Did the roadside Chippendale dance on 58 a couple months ago. Took me a minute to realize what was going on. Just knew I had to stop and get my jacket and shirt off. Bastard got me from the neck all the way down to my stomach and around the back. Had my jacket completely closed, not planning on adding anything else- doesn’t happen often