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Alaska - The ride report


Dec 5, 2009
San Francisco
2012 DRZ 400s, 2018 Ducati Hypermotard SP, 2008 KTM 950 SM
Figure I'll do my best to write this report as I ride since I often don't get to them once I'm back home, I still need to write up my partial Nevada BDR report. Someday.

I woke up feeling a little groggy and shuffled around the place doing a final pack up and getting my gear on. Knowing I only had 300 miles to cover I didn't feel the need to get out super early so I was at the garage loading up the bike around 9:30.

Doesn't look like much gear but if I plop down on the seat hard enough the kick stand hits the ground...


The route was gonna be largely slab for a while, taking 80 to 99 to 5 to 299 essentially. Given the weight of me and my gear I wasn't planning to set any speed records as those Brembo M50's were doing all they could to bring things to a stop as I tested them at a few intersections. I think I'd made it about halfway across the Bay Bridge when I realized I'd not packed my passport, so u-turn at Treasure Island and a back home to a less than surprised partner and I was off... again.

First thing I noticed was that the new phone I replaced my old nav phone (RIP) with didn't have the brightness set high enough so I was having a hard time seeing anything. Subsequently I missed my exit for 113 (yeah it was the phone, not my inattention) and rode 80 right into Sacramento before picking up 5 :facepalm

10 extra miles and a section of 99 I've never been on before so not a big deal. 99 was a perfect ride, a bit slower than 5, but more scenic and only a little smoke left from the Park fire. It was however getting toasty at around 85 in Sac.

I pulled into a 76 near Nicolaus as I was well past 100 miles with no gas light. Bike only too 2.5 gallons, so I guess my "touring" pace is good on gas. "Coffee" was in order as well as shade. Some guys were hanging in a Camero in the only shady spot so I pulled under the olive tree providing their shade, I think they found that odd.


I was near Chico and starting to grow concerned that my gas light hadn't come up yet with around 110 miles on the clock when I saw and In&Out and decided lunch was in order. It was busy inside and hot outside, so after considering a shaded outdoor table I decided some AC was a good idea and luckily found a spot inside to eat.


After that I gassed up and hit the road. The temps kept rising as I went further north. 99 wasn't a bad road, but it was too hot and not scenic enough to motivate me to stop. By the time I hit 5 the tailwind combined with the 100 degree heat had me thinking my pants were on fire. I was thankfully it was only a short stint on 5 before I hopped off on 299. The road started climbing and the temps eventually dropped into the 80s. While the road had been recently chip sealed and signs warned of gravel, the surface had been pretty well packed down and I was able to keep an enjoyable pace in the corners just being smooth and keeping in main path of travel. I felt good to not be on the center of the tire for a while.

I generally pull out if there is a sign for a scenic overview. These two weren't too shabby...



I made it to my hotel in Fall River Mills by 5ish which wasn't bad at all. Gave me time to recline on the bed, then shower and wash my base layers. The hotel has a restaurant and bar on site so I figured I'd go patronize the bar for a bit, I ended up there until about 9:30 when they closed up.

I wasn't all that hungry after my late lunch, but the wings sounded good...


There were a handful of regulars at the bar when I got there and everyone was in a good mood, so I may have had a few additional beverages. Ended up me and a guy named Shirley (he's heard all the jokes about that name, he says) chatting away for the last hour or so. He even bought me a round (not pictured) which was one of a few additional rounds I enjoyed.


After I left the bar I walked to the local convenience store to get water and a lighter as I'd left mine at home. The guy randomly picked me a light as I was not disappointed...


The hotel has some nice neon that looks great at night...

My room was right by the hotel sign, so I guess I am glad they turned it off, but I was hoping to sit under it for a smoke. I tried some long exposures on my phone instead with decent results.


I ended up in bed around 11:30 and slept straight through until 7 this morning, while I wouldn't say I'm feeling rested some coffee a banana and a pastry from the local coffee shop has me feeling fine and ready to ride to Redmond where it thankfully is only forecast to be in the 80s. I'm gonna enjoy these easy days as I'm expecting things to get hard once I'm up north.
Wife and I stayed at that hotel a couple years ago. The locals at the bar were cool.Have fun!

That looks like a cool spot. Food lodging and bar all in one place :thumbup

Nice lighter :laughing
If you're ever up this way I'd say it's worth a visit, new ownership is gussying up the place and it appears to be a popular local haunt on the weekends.
New barf makes ride reports on the fly more achievable.
Thanks for taking us along.
I am gonna duplicate part of this shortly.
Butch you wanna join me in BC or the Yukon?

At any rate, day two was smooth sailing, albeit a little fuzzy in the morning due to a few at the hotel bar the night before. I figure I'll enjoy these little luxuries while I can. It's gonna be wet and rough soon enough.

I woke up around 7:30 with no alarm, and figured I'd get moving. Grabbed coffee at a local spot and chatted with the owner for bit, he'd lived in Baja for a bit working at an orphanage of all things and now runs a coffee shop in Fall River Mills. The ham and cheese croissant was pretty good and the coffee did it's thing. I took my time getting ready as Redmond was just 300 miles away. Poked around the bike and realized that the registration I have is last years, so I'll have to get a printed copy before I cross the border. I'll likely do that on my way out of town tomorrow.


Around 10 I loaded up the bike and got on the road, it was already pretty warm, my route was gonna take me eat to 395 and then north, avoiding 97 as I have seen that road too many times recently and it's like the I-5 of the high desert. The weather was great, but windy, thankfully a nice tail wind so I was cruising. I stopped for gas at Junpier Junction and snapped a pic. The store there was pretty cool, you can get your sundries and rent videos. It also seems to be where the forest service fuels up, must be a good gig.


I continued on past Alturas and onward to 395, I passed this fun display and turned around for a photo, I dunno who put this together, but I suspect they'd be fun to talk with over a few beers..


Goose lake, I gotta say, whomever it was that got 395 built, they sure did a good job, I haven't run across any part that isn't spectacular.


Then it was on to highway 31 in Oregon, the "Oregon Backcountry" as the signs kept telling me. It was beautiful, that is for sure.



Summer lake, is.. I guess more of an early summer thing? Did I mention it was windy? Dust devils were all over the dry lake bed...


Even a roadside pee break is scenic in Oregon...


Eventually I made it to 97 in La Pine, it was windy as all get out and the sky was looking moody so I gassed up, drank some water and kept moving. I made it bend around 4pm and since the Last Blockbuster was still open, and my SO has been all about it since she saw the documentary, I popped in for some merch.


I then went off to find a UPS store to ship that crap home, because I'm full. Funny enough the store is owned by the same person the woman working there gave me a discount on my shipping, I got a kick out of that.

I got to my hotel in Redmond, definitely the cheapest in the area, my bike will probably be there tomorrow kind place. Cleaned my chain, showered and went to find dinner.

Cleaner than it'll be in a few days I imagine...


I'd passed a brewery on the way to my hotel so I walked back there, beers were solid as was the food. I ended up chatting with a few folks at the bar until they closed around 9.


I had a side salad... for my health :laughing


Home sweet (cheap) home.


And a cigar to round out the night... I was told by the manager this was acceptable parking, he told me I could put it in my room, but that seemed like a lot of effort.



Tomorrow I head to Brewster Washington. Another toasty day, which I should soak up because it's looking like rain the 50 degrees in Alaska...
So far so good and excellent read! Thanks for taking us along. I was hanging in suspense waiting to hear if your fuel light came on. $190 thermistor part to fix, if it comes to that. Super pic of the Hub M*tel! You should send it to them and then frame one for yourself. Ride well, Nate!
Thanks, the fuel light does indeed come on, but apparently a tail wind and a mellow pace makes a big difference on gas mileage. Got a bit a head wind for a moment yesterday and my real time fuel consumption went from 50 to 35. I think that's the air calling me fat :laughing
Thanks, the fuel light does indeed come on, but apparently a tail wind and a mellow pace makes a big difference on gas mileage. Got a bit a head wind for a moment yesterday and my real time fuel consumption went from 50 to 35. I think that's the air calling me fat :laughing
the air doesn’t care if you’re fat. it’s telling you that you've got broad manly shoulders.
yeah. that’s it.

Curious about the Ducati
I’m guessing Is it a Vee-Two, 900 cc.
Does it have the Desmo Valve system
Anyhow, it’s a nice bike

Please explain “mellow pace” as I follow along here and maps.
I too am a fan of Oregon 395.
Well, basically I'm not generally riding like I've got a race to win, cruising near the speed limit unless the roads gets interesting in which case things get wicked up a bit.
Curious about the Ducati
I’m guessing Is it a Vee-Two, 900 cc.
Does it have the Desmo Valve system
Anyhow, it’s a nice bike

Yep, the old 939 twin, desmo, but wet couch and water cooled. The bike overall is great but I wish it had the newer 950 motor or the old air cooled 1100. The 939 is finicky and occasionally throws weird manifold pressure sensor codes which is annoying.
Longer day today at 366 miles with the route mostly taking 97 north. Some slabbing, lots of heat and plenty to see. I didn't stop for photos for the first two hours, guess I was on a mission. Despite the huge amount of fires shown on Google maps the air was clear. When planning this ride I figure this was gonna be an all new route, but as I got further from Redmond I started to have deja vu. Around the time I saw a gas station I remember regretting passing last time, I realized where I was. Despite having fueled way more recently on this trip, I stopped for a top off despite it being only 87 and continued on. This time when I got to Grass Valley instead of asking the folks at the market if they knew where to get gas (they hooked me up last time) I just bought breakfast for lunch, made to order.


Farm fresh eggs and nice chunky pork gravy, yum.

It was a nice stretch of road out of there, but before long I caught up to a line of traffic, Sunday means everyone is heading home from their weekend and there were a lot of 5th wheels getting hauled home. I passed where I could,, got some decent turns in and then settled into line to cruise into Biggs Junction. Gassed up with ethanol free 92 octane (thanks Oregon!) and I was off. After about 15 minutes in stop and go traffic I was back on 97 and cruising. I was thankful for this as it was 87 and sitting still on my bike was no fun at all.

I pulled off for a "scenic overlook" and all I can say is, I've seen scenic-er, so I snapped a quick pic and took off.

This section was nice with some fast uphill sweepers. Of course I should have expected that the Ducati would go full Italian due to the incline and headwind. Sure enough it pulled the CEL / cylinder cut out trick on me. Since traffic was light I didn't bother pulling over, just keyed it of and on and thumbed the started while downshifting, back on the gas and away I go. Until it does it again, same moves, harder on the gas, then cruising. That seemed to show it.

A while later another scenic overlook. This one was sufficient with a decent view of the Cascades in the distance.


Now with a nice tail wind I was cruising and less worried about the bike having another hiccup. I cruised down the hill, gassed up and took a water break in Toppenish and the hopped on 82 to slab for awhile, through Yakima, up and over another ridge to pick up 2 and then down to meet the Columbia river again near Cashmere where I was back on 97.

I stopped at Liberty junction for a quick shot and then had a blast on the stretch of 97 from there to pick up 2 just outside Dryden. Pine forests elevation gain and loss and plenty of fast corners. I hit traffic near the end, but most of the good corners were behind me by then.

Just past Cashmere I noticed a massive helicopter hovering and realized they were dipping a bucket into the river to take to a fire nearby. I of course stopped for a shot and to watch.


It was pretty cool watching them fly off towards the ridge with the bucket trailing below.

Once 97 hit the Columbia river gorge I was about ready to be done, but I had a ways to go. It was scenic, but I didn't stop much. I did stop to capture this bridge, with the old bridge spans still in place...


Then it was a fast ride along the river all the way to Brewster. I stopped in town to grab dinner and beer since the motel was just outside of town. I was not disappointed by my choice.


Al Pastor was on point, and the salsa had a nice kick and flavor.


And here I am, base layers washed and drying, belly full, beer being sipped and a cigar on deck. It is concerning that I am starting to get some saddle soreness already, and some pretty painful blisters on my throttle hand. I guess we'll see how I manage over the next 23 days or so.