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Alaska - The ride report

btw... you are also going to love the Hwy 999 from Lillooet to Pemberton to Vancouver, if you have not done that before. again Check drive BBC as there can be mudslides etc on the Duffy Lake route. It is such an awesome route. when on the Cassier.....it's soo worth it to see the Salmon Glacier, near Haines Alaska. you will have to Cross over to US but it's a short detour but really worth it! Ride safe on the 97 today!
Right on N4te..!! I mean ride on N4te!!

:newbie Randy
Yesterday I let you in the door I noted your location and wondered if N4te's journey might have been the reason. Good to have ya!
btw... you are also going to love the Hwy 999 from Lillooet to Pemberton to Vancouver, if you have not done that before. again Check drive BBC as there can be mudslides etc on the Duffy Lake route. It is such an awesome route. when on the Cassier.....it's soo worth it to see the Salmon Glacier, near Haines Alaska. you will have to Cross over to US but it's a short detour but really worth it! Ride safe on the 97 today!
If I have enough rear tire by then I'll make the side trip, I suppose I could just change it out early in Anchorage, but I hate wasting rubber.
This road trip is taking on a few shades of "Vanishing Point".
With a few more "lookouts" enroute, or adventure escorts, , , stuff happens.
Now that Nate is "on road". can we plan for his glorious return home, over the GGB ??

Let's hope there isn't a string of RCMP cars trailing like the Blues Bros pursuit in their movie, , ,
I was gonna change it, but I'm too reliant on my miles to tank knowledge. I'll let the phone tell me KMPH and go from there :laughing on a side note, I keep forgetting things are in CAD not USD and being surprised at how expensive stuff is until I do the math.

The CEL thing is annoying, slightly scary when in front of a big truck, but I've just accepted what the motor can't do, it's either bat out of hell, or just cruise and let the wind / hills win and I'm not doing bat out of hell for the sake of my tires.
BC stands for Bring Cash! yes it's expensive here, but your dollar is good, depending on where you go. Wait until you get in to the Vancouver area for Gas. $1.80-2.00 /litre 3.8 litres /gallon.
This road trip is taking on a few shades of "Vanishing Point".
With a few more "lookouts" enroute, or adventure escorts, , , stuff happens.
Now that Nate is "on road". can we plan for his glorious return home, over the GGB ??

Let's hope there isn't a string of RCMP cars trailing like the Blues Bros pursuit in their movie, , ,
Well the RCMP and the People get friendlier the further north you go. northern BC and Yukon are amazing people. BTW Cant wait until he comes across the Sand dunes in Carcross Yukon, if he goes that route. Canada smallest Desert.
Right on N4te..!! I mean ride on N4te!!

:newbie Randy
Yesterday I let you in the door I noted your location and wondered if N4te's journey might have been the reason. Good to have ya!
Hey Budman, thanks for letting me in the door!!! I spend quite a bit of time in Northern California, and lots of friends are on BARF. It is an amazing source for answers on issues I've tried to resolve on my bike and others bikes. I was referred to this particular Thread of Nate's journey thru BC. I Love to helps build community. If I can assist in sharing a bit of hospitality and help any of the Barf members with a bit of guidance thru BC... I'm more than happy to Share.
Very cool. :thumbup

Hope to meet ya one day!
How cool to have a new member following your route. Nate I love the updates as they happen.
This road trip is taking on a few shades of "Vanishing Point".
With a few more "lookouts" enroute, or adventure escorts, , , stuff happens.
Now that Nate is "on road". can we plan for his glorious return home, over the GGB ??

Let's hope there isn't a string of RCMP cars trailing like the Blues Bros pursuit in their movie, , ,
I saw this vehicle in my stop yesterday, maybe they are on to me already?

BC stands for Bring Cash! yes it's expensive here, but your dollar is good, depending on where you go. Wait until you get in to the Vancouver area for Gas. $1.80-2.00 /litre 3.8 litres /gallon.
Being from SF, and being uninformed as to the conversion rates, I'm blissfully unaware, but I'm sure my wallet is taking a hit. As you stated though, people so far have been nothing but pleasant. I'm enjoying Canada so far.
How cool to have a new member following your route. Nate I love the updates as they happen.
It is pretty cool, guess I need to pull this off with minimal wining now :laughing
This road trip is taking on a few shades of "Vanishing Point".
With a few more "lookouts" enroute, or adventure escorts, , , stuff happens.
Now that Nate is "on road". can we plan for his glorious return home, over the GGB ??

Let's hope there isn't a string of RCMP cars trailing like the Blues Bros pursuit in their movie, , ,
I saw this vehicle in my stop yesterday, maybe they are on to me already?

BC stands for Bring Cash! yes it's expensive here, but your dollar is good, depending on where you go. Wait until you get in to the Vancouver area for Gas. $1.80-2.00 /litre 3.8 litres /gallon.

How cool to have a new member following your route. Nate I love the updates as they happen.
You all are too nice! Huge Barf fan here! I will definitely try to do a Barf meetup next time im in the Bay Area, Sept.

Nate... Keep watching that Late night Sky ...here is the link.. note the time is UTC (-7 Yukon time) pacific https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast

it lets you use the play button to advance time so you know when you can view them.
You may get a chance to see the northern lights as you get closer to Alaska.
Last edited:
Made it to Vanderhoof BC, with signs claiming it to be the geographical center of British Columbia. Sure feels that way! I pretty much spent all day on 97 getting up north, it feels like it's the main road for all things north, plenty of semis and traffic. Kinda like I-5, but fewer lanes and more scenery. It really is beautiful, but with the speeds everyone is travelling there aren't many places to pull out for a picture safely.

I woke up at 6 hearing water pounding on the patio outside my room and figured I was gonna get wet. When I checked though, it was just the watering system overfilling the hanging pots. Fancy. I tried to sleep in a bit, but that wasn't happening so I took a quick walk to see if the coffee shop was open, it was not, but Clinton was nice to see in the morning light.


I dawdled a bit but finally geared up and was on the road around 9:30. I pretty much stuck to the speed limits and just took in the sights. Beautiful countryside with a mixture of farming and forest. Plenty of sights to keep my occupied on an otherwise relatively straight shot of a road.

Water is everywhere, and I did find a spot to stop to take this shot just past a store called sugarland that was selling pure maple syrup. I should probably grab a bottle on the way down.


I'd just gassed up in 100 mile house (I think, lots of houses around these parts) and I wasn't planning a stop, but I saw this cool park by a lake and pulled off for a shot, then realized there was a coffee shop, and I sure do like coffee.

108 Heritage site


I ordered coffee and a breakfast wrap figuring that'd be it for food until dinner. A guy in line behind me asked about my GoPro and we got to talking, he lives on the lake and uses them to capture birds and the scenery. His son likes drones. He was on his way to get a load of gravel for their landscaping project.

I went to the back patio and another guy asked me about my ride, we got to talking as well, he also lives on the lake and told me about winters there and whatnot. Nice folks all around. He left to take his wife to town and I finished my coffee and enjoyed the view.

I got a quick shot of this fun art piece before I left.


At this point I still had about 4 hours to go, so it was time to go. But I did pull over for this old school house at 150 mile house.


Onward I went, hitting some construction traffic around Williams Lake, not a long wait, just enough time to give my poor backside a rest.


I didn't stop again until Quesnel. I was just gonna get gas and take break but this part caught my eye, pretty cool. They had the engine from an old guld rush steamer. a replica of a water pump used to blast out more gold ore once the easy money was gone and the whole park overlooked the original bridge that crossed the Frasier River. All circa the late 1800s.




I needed to pee so I headed back for gas. As I was rehydrating afterwards, and older gentleman walked up from across the parking lot and asked about my bike. He then regaled me about a friend of his who used to ride a similar bike (red and sporty I presume) who'd though he avoided the cops only to find his speeding ticket placed in his mailbox. It doesn't pay to be noticeable I guess. He said he'd always wanted to go to Alaska but despite having lived in BC his whole life (validated buy his accent) he never had. He told me to be safe and have a good ride, which I thanked him for.

I took my next break in Prince George and had myself a impulse snack. Not bad.


I felt a few drops and the weather had been cloudy all day so I didn't think much of it. I only had an hour left anyway. With about 40 minutes left in my ride I realized my blue sky luck had run out.


Foolishly I stopped to take the photo, but no don rain gear. I proceeded to get very wet in a very short few miles. The rain cleared up after about 15 minutes, but I was soaked and a little chilly. I also had to stop as the cheapo phone I used for navigation started flickering, so I guess it's not water proof. Somehow I didn't get mowed down on the shoulder and didn't hydro plane through the Pooled water in the semi tracks. I was mostly dry by the time I made it to Vanderhoof, but a little chilled.

I showered, changed and walked the 12 minutes down the hill to a pub for some beer and food and now I'm back posting this update. I've got a cigar to smoke, and beer to finish and then I need to make sure my InReach is ready for the next few cell phone free days along the Cassiar highway. Luckily it's not looking like ALL rain.
You all are too nice! Huge Barf fan here! I will definitely try to do a Barf meetup next time im in the Bay Area, Sept.

Nate... Keep watching that Late night Sky ...here is the link.. note the time is UTC (-7 Yukon time) pacific https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecast

it lets you use the play button to advance time so you know when you can view them.
You may get a chance to see the northern lights as you get closer to Alaska.
Yes! I am hoping either in the Yukon on Alaska I'll get lucky with a clear, dark sky and get a chance to see them, been on my bucket list for a while now!
A little history, a little local chat... some ride shots.
Love your ride reports.. :applause

My best wishes heading into the cell free zone. :ride
Hard to read, but who was the Starfleet Captain on SS Enterprise ??
A sternwheeler? Warp .003 engage
Never seen nature with lights dancing in the sky, without lightning involved.
Any noise at all ? I would think I could imagine, some kind of sy-fy noise,
or just the tinkle of light chimes.
Only noise last night was the coming and going of trucks hauling goods one way or another. That and the crinkling of beer cans as a found a few guys to help my drink the 18pack of Molson (only size available at the store. My room was a dorm and I'm the only one staying here who isn't out here working in logging or repairing roads before winter hits. 7:30 this the place is pretty much empty. Full ride report update pending, I'm gonna hit the road right after breakfast so I'm not rushing to get to my next stop as everyone tends to call it a night by 7pm along highway 16. It's gonna be beautiful out, scenery definitely turned up the volume yesterday.
So about yesterday. It was wet, they it was less wet, there was traffic, then there was less traffic. I even got a little sun. Somehow turns 6 hours of ride time into an 8 hour day though, I was beat.

The forecast said rain, and forecasts up here have been surprisingly spot on, as such, I woke up to rain. Of course it'd be on a longer route day.


Subsequently things needed to be waterproofed.

Me, with a lot of layers, I was actually a bit too warm.

And the nav phone after it started flickering in the rain yesterday. 7-11 for the supplies.


Hit my visor with some anti-fog stuff and I was off. Traffic was heavy for a while getting out of Vanderhoof and the surrounds, and I was getting acclimated to moving around in so many layers, I felt like the stay puffed marshmallow man. Things started to thin out after an hour so and I say a rest stop with a decent view and another ride and pulled in for a shot.


The rider was from New Mexico and returning from Alaska on his Tenere. He was quite surprised to see my bike and moreso when I told him where I was coming from and headed to. He commented that Ducati certainly didn't have this in mind when they designed the bike. We talked for a bit and he suggested I consider a ferry ride from Haines for the views. I might, but it is kinda hard to figure out on their site, so I might just give up and ride my route anyway.

Off we both went. The rain had let up for the most part, with a few sprinkles here and there but the roads were getting dry. Around noon I needed gas and decided to take a quick break for a snack and water. I parked at the pump to keep dry.


Right about the time I was midway into my peanuts a lady pulled her truck up behind me, despite three other bays being open. I was bewildered by this but her dog was cute so I fueled up and moved the bike then went back for my helmet. She seemed unaware I'd left my helmet there and was kinda surprised to see me walking towards the truck and stopped short. I grabbed my helmet, considered excusing myself, but didn't bother she was in her own world. Dog was cute though. I finished my water and snack, hopped on the bike and hammered on.

I saw a sign noting chickens for sale and for whatever reason I was inspired to grab a shot, probably because I hadn't taken many. It was in fact a very scenic drive, but it felt like every time I saw something photo worthy I'd just gotten around a semi, or had someone on my butt and nowhere good to pull off so you'll just have to imagine some of the beauty, or use street view.


I did capture this one, not sure the photo really does it justice.


Right around Smithers things started getting pretty spectacular. Also, they're having a festival of some sort when I pass back through on the way home which explains why hotels were so spendy there. I guess I'll have to check it out.


Another angle from pee break.

It was getting on in the day and I still had a long ways to go, so I didn't stop for a while, until I saw this crazy road side section of river with a bunch of people using nets to catch Salmon. I turned off the main road and went around the other side of the river


The Salmon were all resting in a poll below the falls building up energy to make their jump. There were tons of them. I didn't see any jump unfortunately, though a guy maintaining the park stopped to tell me there was a bench just off the road I could sit on and watch the action. Nice folks up here. That said I got one more picture from the bridge and took off.


I was motived to go see the historic Old Hazelton as it was only a few Kms off the main road. The initial view point merited a quick shot, and the ancestral village and museum was neat, I just took some photos and gave the friendly local dog a few pets before getting back on the road, I needed to make dinner by the 7pm cutoff.

Clouds aren't aways bad for views..


Ksan Historical Village



