AMA members check in - why you should join

Their magazine is worthless. I'm a member though.


Expand your mind A!.. Shayna Texter, first female National Flat Track winner was just a small example of a great piece of info you cannot find anywhere else.

I personally love the mag.. but that is me.:)

Gotta agree with teh budman. It ranks higher than the corporate shill mags (Motorcyclist, CW, etc.), covers the gamut of riders and riding, and (most importantly) gives a State watch list of proposed bills that could affect our riding future. My fav article so far this year has been the article about Debbie Evans.
I will never doubt you again!

All hail the queen :hail
I've been a member for a good 3, maybe 4 hours now.

I think the progressive discount was actually $10 more than a yearly membership. :cool

AMA #2810441
Cool to have quite a few and I bet there are a lot more..!

You want the number in your avatar.. send it along.

You want to join.. next week we will have a cool deal for you..:Port

Any more members out there.?

Waiting for said cool deal :party

But I'm curious, what are the differences between a regular member and life member?
Is it like other subscription services where life is a bigger lump sum up front and no more dues later on and you get to retain any benefits (such as free towing) as long as you live?
Not trying to be overly negative, but I feel compelled to post. For 22 years, I too felt that the AMA was worth my time, money, and support.

However, I have seen multiple cycles over the years of what I would consider flagrant miss-use of membership funds without full transparency to the membership. The final straw being the sale of the pro road racing to the Daytona folks... Which in my opinion remains as the second worst decision in AMA history, the first bring the museum, a titanic waste of membership dollars. (its a nice museum, just not appropriate business for the AMA)

So, I left the AMA because it lacked focus and sound financials.

I still support their political activities, which I feel are their greatest asset to the community at large.

Finally remember that the majority of the membership are compelled into joining to be allowed to compete in AMA sanctioned events.

ok... I'm done....
Not trying to be overly negative, but I feel compelled to post. For 22 years, I too felt that the AMA was worth my time, money, and support.

However, I have seen multiple cycles over the years of what I would consider flagrant miss-use of membership funds without full transparency to the membership. The final straw being the sale of the pro road racing to the Daytona folks... Which in my opinion remains as the second worst decision in AMA history, the first bring the museum, a titanic waste of membership dollars. (its a nice museum, just not appropriate business for the AMA)

So, I left the AMA because it lacked focus and sound financials.

I still support their political activities, which I feel are their greatest asset to the community at large.

Finally remember that the majority of the membership are compelled into joining to be allowed to compete in AMA sanctioned events.

ok... I'm done....


No worries.. opinions are welcomed and I knew that some have issues with the AMA. Any large org will. I do understand the whole racing issue.. and I believe for many it is a really strong part of how they may feel about the AMA. The whole motorcycle racing deal in the USA has remained a big challenge and has never been a huge success. Partly a USA thing as I am sure you know.

Like you said their greatest asset to the community is how they fight for our rights. It is this that drives me.

I don't think the majority are members because of racing. Quite a few, but not a majority. It was what got me into it, but 10 years does not a life member make. :teeth

Flying Pig: On the life membership.
Two ways.. the slow old way of year by year.. as I did (25 years).
Or you can jump in a pay a big chunk to get it.

Once a life member you get the mag for free and there are no dues.

Several in this thread are life members.
3rd year member AMA #1082949

It has come in handy on more than one occasion. Ironically enough, mostly for my car.
I'd be happy to support the AMA, since they will be looking out for my rights as a motorcyclist. However, I am curious about this cool deal you speak of, so I'll wait until next week. :)
Ama # 514736
Ama #2771957
Been a member a log time. I have my quarrels with the AMA or should say disagreements, but I support them, I buy tickets to the Raffles and support racing at the Grass roots level up.
Waiting for said cool deal :party

But I'm curious, what are the differences between a regular member and life member?
Is it like other subscription services where life is a bigger lump sum up front and no more dues later on and you get to retain any benefits (such as free towing) as long as you live?

IIRC, life membership costs a one-time fee of $750, or is bestowed upon an individual on their 25th year of membership. Benefits used to be no dues, but I think the financial state of the AMA has prompted them to rescind that to a $10 annual fee for lifers to retain access to services (like the magazine).

Oh, and you get a cool pin.