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By the tailgater. Fuck that guy.

ha agreed. He screwed himself.

My dad's car got totaled that way lol. Tailgater was following him for miles, gave him plenty of opportunites to stop. Came around a corner and slammed on his brakes dude rear ended him at a decent speed. Good payout for a car that was on the verge of serious engine work haha
Tail gater was probably annoyed that he had to sit behind him in the slow lane.
A. Obvious the lead car just passed the truck.
B. Car was entering the freeway.
C. Obviously shouldn't be speeding if you can't handle the vehicle at the speed you are already going.

Amazing how many people (99.99%) over estimate their abilities. Then again, I drive slow, to the far right. I save the being in a hurry for when I'm not on public roads.
Oh, the hypocrisy... :laughing

Yeah, the tailgater was being a dick. But. Let's go back to when everyone here was 5 or 6 years old, and your parents taught you that 2 wrongs don't make a right... brake check is a dick move too. If a cop or other witness sees it, the brake checker will be at fault no matter how close the tailgater is.

Remember, slower traffic keep right. How many times have I seen whiny motorcycle riders complaining about this on BARF? :rofl
Oh, the hypocrisy... :laughing

Yeah, the tailgater was being a dick. But. Let's go back to when everyone here was 5 or 6 years old, and your parents taught you that 2 wrongs don't make a right... brake check is a dick move too. If a cop or other witness sees it, the brake checker will be at fault no matter how close the tailgater is.

It's fine to think that, but reality says that the brake checker went on with their day, and the tailgater filled his/her pants. Probably got back on the road and continued being a frikin' tool.

I have an informal pole going in my head, pertaining to "tailgating". In the area that I drive, women are the tailgaters most of the time. This is not to say that men don't also drive poorly. They do, they just seem to have a different set of poor habits.

This whole thing is MY OPINION. MY opinion based on MY OBSERVATIONS. Your opinion is probably different, as we are about to find out...

First, my pole eliminates people that are driving normally. I'm watching the people that are driving " poorly". It's a large percentage, but not everyone. Both men and women find themselves on the list. Probably for different reasons. My observations are when other people are being tailgated, not me. I have tailgate by accident, and have been tailgated. I think it's dangerous for reasons that the vid makes obvious.

Bad men drivers seem impatient/ agressive. "Get out of my way...I'm coming thru". They go around you as soon as there's and opening with their finger up. He's being a dick cuz your in the way... They ARE paying attention, but are Crappy drivers. He is planning his path down the road, you are in it. If someone is tailgating him, he's annoyed and might block you out of spite.

Bad women drivers seem unaware/goal oriented. " Late for work!" or "gotta pick up the kids!" and don't realize they're 3 ft. off your bumper. They might not actually take the first opportunity to go around you, and just stay on your bumper. She's not being a dick, just thinking about the fact that she was supposed to be "there" 10 minutes ago. The reason I think this is because passing opportunities are not taken. She will tailgate in the slow lane. They are NOT paying attention, and are Crappy drivers. She does not plan her path any further than 20 feet in front of her car. If someone is tailgating her, she doesn't care or probably doesn't notice, because as I said, not paying attention.

Old drivers are in their own category. I am willing to add reasonable observations to my unofficial pole. I am biased in that I will not consider the idea that everyone drives well, they don't. :laughing
Oh, the hypocrisy... :laughing

Yeah, the tailgater was being a dick. But. Let's go back to when everyone here was 5 or 6 years old, and your parents taught you that 2 wrongs don't make a right... brake check is a dick move too. If a cop or other witness sees it, the brake checker will be at fault no matter how close the tailgater is.

Remember, slower traffic keep right. How many times have I seen whiny motorcycle riders complaining about this on BARF? :rofl
The car being tailgated was moving faster than the car in the slow lane, tailgater was the asshole and I can't feel sorry for him/her.

Now, if the brake checker had been a douche just forming a running roadblock in the fast lane, that's a whole different story, but that wasn't the case here.