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BARF Amatuer Jam 4 - 01/08/2010, 7:00 PM

It was a great time as usual. I was delighted to see people step up and play even when they felt unsure about it. It was fun to see people play to things they were unfamiliar with and quite a few folks stuck their necks out and had some nice moments to show for it. There were new faces, old friends and everyone was inclusive.

Thanks very much to Wendy for bringing the chili; it was delicious. Var, the bread bowls were a great touch and the combination was terrific on a cool night. Chris, thanks for providing the PA. And Mike, you are very generous to host these jams -- thank you!
Damn those bread bowls with chili were so good... I ate way too much and thought I was gonna essplode! Yum.
I had a great time. Better than the first time for me. I can't wait to do it again
bloody hell that was fun :banana

I actually played a geetar :wow Thanks Ratters for letting me play, I have never played a geetar before and I liked it. Thanks Aaron for drumming for me so that I had something to play along to (wreck more likely :rofl) I had a blast

And yer welcome for the chili, next time I'll put a little more kick in it, I made it for the masses but it may have been a little too mild

Thanks Mike for hosting :)

And mean dad, I got a bone to pick with you :kicknuts :p
Thanks again mike for letting us use the shop. I had a good time and tried to just jump in despite my lack of experience. Everyone was really cool and patient. I really have to say that the drummers put in the most work and had a vast amount of patience while the rest of us were tring to figure out what to do. :thumbup excellent drumming BTW. I must practice holdin down the low end for next time ! Must... obtain...chops !

That was great, Thank YOU everyone !
That was me. The band on my hoodie was Opeth and the band on the beanie was In Flames. All of Opeth's albums are amazing and the earlier In Flames albums are amazing.
I'm really sorry I missed this. When I got home last night, the Pocketdog was not doing very well... he was really lethargic, and I was worried about him. Decided I should stay home and take care of him instead. He was fine as of this morning, though. Sounds like everyone had a blast, I really wish I could've been there. :(
Thanks to everyone who showed up! Aaron (RhythmRider), you're the man. A jam isn't a jam without the drums. Rich (PowderedToastMan), we woulda been fucked without you. Your rig saved the day and you did a great job of holding it down on the bass. Andy (TZRider), you rock & thanks for posting this up. I really like hosting these, but I hate planning 'em. Cris (I think he signed up here as GasTankGreen) brought the mics, too bad they didn't get used much. Var, Steve, Jaysin, Geoff, Mark, everyone who showed up to play, and the non-players too, Mean Dad, fgt mod Planegray, Sherry, Mr.Evil and F4iChic!!! Damn, you Brits sure have an interesting idea of what chili is. It was delicious, and you rocked! (see below) Everyone, THANK YOU! It was a fun party. Lets do it again!

Non-BARFer Seth (the guy who rocked the harmonica) shot & edited some video:


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woo hoo, wendy the rocker!
helluva good time. thanks for hostin the gig, mike. glad the door issue didn't slow us down too much. i shoulda brought a cooler for the beer, i don't think peeps knew about 'em in the fridge. i'll have sign made for next time. wonder where i could get that done.....
band dudes, you guys rocked the house (business suite). can't wait for the next one!
dammit :mad

That video is just like me and trackdays. Think I am a motogp racer until I see the photos :cry :rofl

I can't even hear the damned guitar over the drums, and there I was, thinking I was all like Satriani (sp?) or something :loco :laughing

As for the chili, never said I knew what I was doing with it :twofinger hmm, much the same as me with the guitar, and a motorcycle come to think of it :p
dammit :mad

That video is just like me and trackdays. Think I am a motogp racer until I see the photos :cry :rofl

I can't even hear the damned guitar over the drums, and there I was, thinking I was all like Satriani (sp?) or something :loco :laughing

As for the chili, never said I knew what I was doing with it :twofinger hmm, much the same as me with the guitar, and a motorcycle come to think of it :p

The problem is..your accent makes you sound like you know what you're doing. :p