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BARF Tips and Tricks (AKA: BARF User Manual)

CAn someone repost how to embed vids please? It seems like the sticky was made using photobucket and I'm too tech challenged to figure it out. kthxbye
If you click the little icon next to the thread title it takes you to the first unread message in the thread

Thanks. Wasn't sure which Icon you were talking about until I followed the next link.

Not only is your suggestion/request already there, this exact same thing was posted like 3 weeks ago in this sub-forum. http://bayarearidersforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=518836

Nice having the icon. Haven't noticed/used it before.
Thanks for pointing it out.
I will start using that tool.

What I was requesting in my post was to have this done "automatically" when you click on "any" post. If you've been in it, it takes to the last viewed post. If not you go to the first post in the thread.
I know. Enhancement. Probably not desired as there is a "shortcut" key to do what "could" be done automatically.
Does a magic button exist that I can press to delete all the subscribed threads I have and to stop being subscribed to threads I post in?

How does one search for an old thread in the KS?

I want to ask about "what cell phone deal now?" but i know we've had many older threads on that subject.
How does one search for an old thread in the KS?

I want to ask about "what cell phone deal now?" but i know we've had many older threads on that subject.

The ‘Sink should be searchable now. IIRC we flipped that switch a few years ago.
I see the Subscription list, and on it I see the Notification column. What I can’t find is the place to change the default notification interval.

Edit: I also just now notice the Additional Option where you can set this by post (thread?). Can I set that default?
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I fully grokked this error code and it immediately made sense.

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