The ground is dry in your picture.
Not to mention all the leaves on the trees.
I think 12 hours might work for summer and with lots of players, but it's too tight a turnaround for a rainy work week.
I also think there can be some 'reasonable,' use of photos already in your collection; HOWEVER - the photo used to tag the first photo should be 'fresh.'
i agree wholeheartedly. while many of us are competitive and want to "win" i think the point is really to get outside, ride and have some fun.
i would like to request that if you are first "tagging" the previous picture / location that you also tell us mere mortals where is was! inquiring minds want to know.... ya know?
Frozen Yogurt?
If you go, ignore the yogurt sign and go for the ice cream or custard.
Hahahahahahaha!Tru Yogurt Flava
I see someone has started the Fake/Historic/Improbable Photo Tag Game
Ant - ask/email V (the guy you bought the tiger from) about Photo Tag.... he's only been through about 5 bikes since the Tiger.
Bought the bike from Cal Moto, dunno who V is.
None of the above? Yogurt joint isn't lame, peeps need to get on it and let's keep the ball rolling!